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« John Guthrie (1632-1669)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
William Guthrie (1620-1665)
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Primary Sources (13 titles, 13 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (1) | Theology (12)
Results 1-12
The Christian's Great Interest, 5th ed. (1860)
The Christian's great interest : in two parts (Glasgow : William Collins, 1833)
The Christian's great interest : in two parts. I. The trial of a saving interest in Christ. II. The way how to attain it. (Edinburgh : John Gray and Gavin Alston, 1763)
The christian's great interest .. (Salem, N.Y. : Dodd & Rumsey, 1804)
The Christian's Great Interest ..., 2nd ed. (W. Collins, 1828)
The Christian's great interest; or the trial of a saving interest in Christ, and the way to attain it (Philadelphia : Presb. Bd. of Pub, 1825)
The Christian's great interest: in two parts. I. The trial of a saving interest in Christ. II. The way how to attain it, 4th ed. (Andover : Mark Newman, 1815)
A Collection of lectures and sermons : preached upon several subjects, mostly in the time of the persecution ... (Kilmarnock : H. and S. Crawford for Joseph Graham, 1809) / added author(s): Donald Cargill, John Guthrie, John Welch [Preface by John Howie]
A Collection of lectures and sermons, preached upon several subjects, mostly in the time of the late persecution (Glasgow : J. Bryce, 1779) / added author(s): Donald Cargill, Michael Bruce, Alexander Peden
Des Christens groot interest, of het Zalige deel aan Christus getoetst en aangewezen wie het heeft, en hoe te verkrygen ..., 9th ed., trans. Jacobus Koelman (Salomon Schouten, 1730)
Des Christens groot interest, ofte Het zalige deel aan Christus, getoetst en aangewesen wie het heeft en hoe te verkrijgen, 7th ed. (Rotterdam : Reinier van Doesburg, 1707)
Two sermons preaced by Mr. William Guthry ... at Finnick [!] the 17 day of August in the year 1662 (1689)

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