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« Valentinus Smalcius (1572-1622)
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John Smalley (1734-1820)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The consistency of the sinner's inability to comply with the gospel; with his inexcusable guilt in not complying with it, illustrated and confirmed: in 2 discourses, on John vi th, 44th (1769)
Sermons on a number of connected subjects : in which an attempt is made to explain the leading principles of revealed religion .. (Hartford : Oliver D. Cooke by Lincoln and Gleason, 1803)
Sermons, on a number of connected subjects; in which an attempt is made to explain the leading principles of revealed religion; to show their consistency, reasonableness and importance; and to guard them against dangerous misconstructions and false inferences, and against the specious objections of unbelievers (Hartford, Printed for Oliver D. Cooke; Lincoln and Gleason : printers, 1803)
Sermons, on a number of connected subjects: in which an attempt is made to explain the leading principles of revealed religion; to show their consistency, reasonableness and importance; and to guard them against dangerous misconstructions and false inferences, and against the specious objections ...
Oliver D. Cooke; Lincoln and Gleason, 1803GB 

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