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« William Wall (1647-1728)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Benjamin Wallin (1711-1782)
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Primary Sources (10 titles, 10 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The ancient believers transition from mortality to life, a sermon occasioned by the decease of H. Munn (1779)
A charge and sermon together with an introductory discourse and confession of faith: delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Abraham Booth Feb.16, 1769, in Goodman's Fields ... (G. Keith; J. Buckland, W. Harris; B. Tomkins; J. Gurney, 1769)
The church an habitation of God, through the Spirit: a sermon (1774)
The eternal existence of the Lord Jesus Christ considered and improved: A sermon, the substance of which was lately delivered at a monthly association, in Grafton-Street, near the Seven-Dials. (author; and sold by J. Buckland; E. and C. Dilly; G. Keith and E. Gardiner; and B. Tomkins, 1766)
God's relation to the faithful after their decease, a proof of their present life, and future resurrection. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Thomas Wildman, who departed this life, June 25, 1754. (George Keith, and Bedwell Law, 1754)
Lectures on primitive Christianity in doctrine, experience, worship, discipline and mannners : as it appeared in the church at Jerusalem in the time of the Apostles; also on the epistle to the church at Sardis and on the faithful in the days of Malachi, interspersed with notes, reflections, and addresses with a view to awaken a becoming zeal for the communion of saints, in order and love (London : author, 1768)
Lectures on primitive Christianity: in doctrine, experience, worship, discipline and manners, as it appeared in the church at Jerusalem, in the time of the apostles. Also on the epistle to the church at Sardis. And on the faithful in the days of Malachi. Interspersed with notes, reflections, and ... (John Boggs, Jun. by Bonsal and Niles, 1801)
Lectures on primitive Christianity.. (1801)
The Popular Concern in the Choice of Representatives: A Sermon Delivered ... October 9, 1774. By Benjamin Wallin, ... (author; and sold, 1774)
The Redeemer's charge against his declining churches : exemplified in the case of the church of Ephesus .. (London : J. Ward, 1748)

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