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« Matthieu Beroald (1520-1576)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Berridge (1716-1793)
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Primary Sources (5 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Cheerful piety, or, Religion without gloom : exemplified in select letters, written on the most interesting truths of Christianity (Brooklyn : Thomas Kirk, 1812)
The Christian world unmasked (Boston : Charles Ewer, 1822)
Christian world unmasked
Boston : Gould, 1854IA 
The whole works of the Rev. John Berridge (London : E. Palmer, 1864)
The works of the Rev. John Berridge : with an enlarged memoir of his life; numerous letters, anecdotes, outlines of sermons, and observations on passages of scripture; and his original Sion's songs (1838)

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