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Share:  Opera (15) | Theology (43) |
The atonement of Christ: and the justification of the sinner (American Tract Society, 1854) | GB |  |   |
Backslider | |
New-York : American Tract Soc, 1840 | IA |  |   |
The backslider; or, An enquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension, with the means of recovery (J.W. Morris., 1801) | GB |  |   |
Brief narrative of the Baptist mission in India: including an account of translations of the Scriptures, into the various languages of the East : with an appendix, bringing the narrative down to the year 1811 (Lincoln & Edmands, 1811) | GB |  |   |
The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency : in a series of letters addressed to the friends of vital and practical religion ; to which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin, Mr. Belsham, &c. ( Boston : Lincoln & Edmands, 1815) | IA |  |   |
The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency: in a series of letters addressed to the friends of vital and practical religion ; to which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin, Mr. Belsham, &c (Lincoln & Edmands, 1815) | GB |  |   |
A defence of a treatise, entitled the Gospel of Christ worthy of all acceptation: containing a reply to Mr. Button's remarks, and the observations of Philanthropos [pseud.] (W. W. Woodward, 1810) | GB |  |   |
Dialogues, letters and essays on various subjects: To which is annexed, an essay on truth: containing an inquiry into its nature and importance; with the causes of error, and reasons of its being permitted (Oliver D. Cooke, 1810) | GB |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
Expository discourses on the Book of Genesis : interspersed with practical reflections ( London : T. Tegg, 1836) | IA |  |   |
The Gospel its own witness | |
Isaac Collins for Cornelius Davis, 1801 | GB |  |   |
New York : Isaac Collins for Cornelius Davis, 1801 | IA |  |   |
The gospel its own witness; or, The holy nature and divine harmony of the Christian religion, contrasted with the immorality and absurdity of deism (William W. Morse, 1801) | GB |  |   |
The Gospel its own witness: or, The holy nature, and divine harmony of the Christian religion: contrasted with the immortality and absurdity of deism, 3rd ed. (J.W. Morris, Clipstone, 1802) | GB |  |   |
The Gospel worthy of all acceptation, or, The duty of sinners to believe in Jesus Christ, 3rd ed. (Charles Cist, 1805) | GB |  |   |
An inquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension: with the means of recovery ... (editor, 1829) | GB |  |   |
Jesus the true messiah: a sermon delivered in the Jews' Chapel, Church Street, Spitalfields, on the Lord's Day evening, November 19, 1809, 3rd ed. ( London : Society for promoting Christianity amongst Jews by B. R. Goakman, 1810) | GB |  |   |
Miscellaneous pieces on various religious subjects : being the last remains of the Rev. Andrew Fuller ( London : Wightman and Camp, 1826) | IA |  |   |
Miscellaneous pieces on various religious subjects, collected, with notes, by J.W. Morris. Intended as a suppl. to his Memoirs of the author ( 1826) | GB |  |   |