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Thomas Brightman (1562-1607)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (17 titles, 17 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (17) | Related (1)
Results 1-17
APOCALYPSIS Apocalypseos. Id est, Apocalypsis D. JOANNIS ANALYSI ET SCHOLIIS illustrata: ubi ex scriptura sensus, rerumque predictarumex historiis even tus discutiuntur. Huic Synopsis praefigitur universalis [et] Refutatio Rob. Bellarmini de Antichristo libro tertio de Romano Pontfice, ad finem ... (apud viduam Levini Hulsij, 1609)
Apocalypsis Apocalypseos. id est, Apocalypsis D. Johannis : Praefigitur Synopsis universalis: & Refutatio Rob. Bellarmini de Antichristo libro tertio de Romano Pontifice, ad finem capitis decimi septimi inferitur / Per Thomam Brigtmannum Anglum ([Heidelberg] : Bordes, 1612)
A commentary on the Canticles or the Song of Salomon wherein the text is analised, the native signification of the words declared, the allegories explained, and the order of the times whereunto they relate observed (London : Iohn Field for Henry Overton, 1644)
Een grondighe ontdeckinghe ofte duydelijcke uytlegginghe, met een logicale ontknoopinghe, over de gantsche Openbaringe Johannis des Apostels: Waer in de sin uyt de Schriftuere verklaert, ende insghelijcks de uytkomsten der dinghen die voorseyt waren, met de kerckelijcke historien aenghewesen worden (Jan Evertsz Cloppenburch, 1621)
EXPLICATIO summe consolatoria, Partis ultimae & difficillimae, PROPHETIAE DANIELIS, a vers. 36, c. 11. ad finem c. 12. : Qua JUDAEORUM, TRIBUS ultimis ipsorum hostibus funditus euersis, restitutio, & ad fidem in Christum vocatio, vivis coloribus depingitur (Waldkirchius, 1614)
The Revelation of Saint Iohn, illustrated with analysis and scholions. Wherein the same is opened by the Scripture: and the events of things foretold, shewed by histories. Together with a most comfortable exposition of the last and most difficult part of the prophecy of Daniel. Wherein the restoring of the Jewes, and their calling to the faith of Christ, after the utter overthrow of their three last enemies, is set forth in lively colours (Amsterdam : Thomas Stafford, 1664)
The Revelation of Saint Iohn, Illustrated with Analysis and Scolions ... Together with a Most Comfortable Exposition of the Last and Most Difficult Part of the Prophecy of Daniel ... (Thomas Stafford, 1644)
The Revelation of Saint John, Illustrated with Analysis and Scholions ... (Thomas Stafford, 1644)
A revelation of the Reuelation (Amsterdam, 1615)
A Revelation of the Revelation, that is the Revelation of St John Opened Clearely with a Logicall Resolution and Exposition ... (1615)
Reverend Mr. Brightman's judgement, or prophesies what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland ... Likewise what shall befall England (London : R. Harford, 1642)
Reverend Mr. Brightmans iudgement or prophesies what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland, and the churches adhearing to them (London : R. Harper, 1644)
Reverend Mr. Brightmans iudgement or prophesies, what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland, and the churches adhering to them likewise what shall befall England, and the hierarchy therein : collected out of his exposition on the Revelations, printed above forty yeares since ... (London : R.H. ..., 1641)
Reverend Mr. Brightmans Iudgement, or Prophesies what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland and the churches adhering to them. Likewise what shall befall England and the hierarchy therein, etc (For R. H [Ralph Harford], 1640)
The ruin of Rome: or, An exposition upon the whole Revelation. Wherein is plainly shewed and proved, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authority of Rome shall ebb and decay more throughout all the churches of Europe ... (Glasgow : Napier and Khull for S. Gardner, 1798) / added author(s): Arthur Dent, James Durham [Contains two sermons by James Durham]
THOMAE BRIGHTMANNI Theologi Angli COMMENTARIUS IN CANTICA CANTICORUM SALOMONIS, Analysi & Scholiis illustratus : UBI Ad genuinam Verborum interpretationem, accommodatio accedit adeo concinna, ut cum Allegoriarum sensu, temporum quoq[ue] seriem, ad quae singula proprie spectant, intueare. Adiecta ... (Impensis Ludovici König, 1614)
THOMAE BRIGHTMANNI, Theologi Angli, COMMENTARIUS IN CANTICA CANTICORUM SALOMONIS, Analysi & Scholiis illustratus: UBI Ad genuinam Verborum interpretationem, accommodatio accedit adeo concinna, ut cum Allegoriarum sensu, temporum quoq[ue] seriem, ad quae singula proprie spectant, intueare ... (Impensis LUDOVICI KÖNIG, 1614)

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