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Richard Capel (1586-1656)
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Primary Sources (5 titles, 7 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Capel's remains being an useful appendix to his excellent Treatise of tentations, concerning the translations of the Holy Scriptures : left written with his own hand (London : T.R. for John Bartlet ..., 1658)
Richard Capel's ... Geistreicher tractat von sündlichen versuchungen ... (Verlegts G.E. Struntz, 1701)
Tentations their nature, danger, cure. By Richard Capel. Sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. To which is added a briefe dispute, as touching restitution in the case of usury. (London : R. B[adger], 1633)
Tentations: their nature, danger, cure ... The sixth edition. The fourth part left enlarged by the author, and now there is added his Remains, etc
Tho. Ratcliffe for John Bartlet, 1658GB 
Tho. Ratcliffe for John Bartlet, 1659GB 
Tentations: Their Nature, Danger, Cure. The Sixth Edition (1659)

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