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« Gudbrande Thorlaksson (1541-1627)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672)
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Primary Sources (8 titles, 42 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (27) | Theology (15)
Results 1-15
Antiquitates ecclesiasticae
Oxford, 1710GB 
De ratione ac jure finiendi controversias ecclesiae disputatio. Auctore Herberto Thorndicio .. (London : imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, LL. Orentalium typographus regius, 1670)
A Discourse of the Right of the Church in a Christian State
London : J. Lutton, 1670BDC 
ed. John Sherren Brewer (London : W. J. Cleaver, 1841)BSB 
Just Weights and Measures: That Is, the Present State of Religion Weighed in the Balance, and Measured by the Standard of the Sanctuary, 2nd ed. (London : S. Roycroft, 1680)
Of the government of churches: a discourse pointing at the primitive form
Cambridge : Roger Daniel, 1641GB 
ed. David Lewis (London : C. J. Stewart, 1841)GB 
Origines ecclesiasticae: sive De jure et potestate ecclesiae christianae, exercitationes. Authore Herberto Thorndicio, ..
London : typis T. Roycroft, 1674GB 
Tractatus theologico-politicus, quo methodus finiendi omnes religionis controversias paradoxa, nec minus omnibus Christiani acceptissima ... (Irenopoli : T. Roycroft, 1676)

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