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Joseph Glanvill (1636-1680)
TraditionAnglican, LatitudinarianReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (36 titles, 44 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (17) | Philosophy (27) | Related (1)
Results 1-17
"A Letter on Preexistence from Joseph Glanvill to Richard Baxter [Feb. 1663]," in Bibliotheca Platonica vol. 1, 186-92 (Osceola, Missouri, 1890) [MS 59.1.170, Dr Williams' Library, London]
An account of Mr. Ferguson, his common-place-book in two letters. (London : Andrew Clark for Walter Kettilby ..., 1675)
Catholick charity recommended in a sermon before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London : in order to the abating the animosities among Christians, that have been occasion'd by differences in religion (London : H. Eversden ... and J. Collins ..., 1669)
An earnest invitation to the sacrament of the Lords Supper by Joseph Glanvill ... (London : John Baker ..., 1674)
Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion
London : Baker, 1676IA 
London : J.D. for John Baker and Henry Mortlock, 1676IA 
Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion by Joseph Glanvill ... (London : J.D. for John Baker ... and Henry Mortlock ..., 1676)
Logou thrēskeia, or, A seasonable recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion against infidelity, scepticism, and fanaticisms of all sorts. (London : E.C. and A.C. for James Collins ..., 1670)
A loyal tear dropt on the vault of our late martyred sovereign in an anniversary sermon on the day of his murther. (London : E. Cotes, and are to be sold by James Collins ..., 1667)
Mr. J. Glanvil's full vindication of the late Reverend, pious and learned Mr. Richard Baxter ([London] : John Salusbury ..., 1691)
Philosophia Pia, or, A discourse of the religious temper and tendencies of the experimental philosophy which is profest by the Royal Society : to which is annext a recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion (London : James Collins, 1671) [Appended: ΛΟΓΟΥ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ: Or, A seasonable recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion: against infidelity, scepticism, and fanaticisms of all sorts (London : J. M., 1670)]
Saducismus Triumphatus, Oder Vollkommener und klarer Beweiß Von Hexen und Gespenstern Oder Geister-Erscheinungen / 3 : Bestehende In auserlesenen und glaubwürdigen Historien Von Hexen und Gespenstern Oder Geister-Erscheiungen (Hamburg : Spieringk Liebernickel, [n.d.])
Seasonable reflections and discourses in order to the conviction & cure of the scoffing, & infidelity of a degenerate age by Jos. Glanvill ... (London : R.W. for H. Mortlock ..., 1676)
Some discourses, sermons, and remains of the Reverend Mr. Jos. Glanvil ... collected into one volume, and published by Ant. Horneck ... ; together with a sermon preached at his funeral, by Joseph Pleydell ... (London : Henry Mortlock ... and James Collins ..., 1681)
Two choice and useful treatises : the one, Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls, being a key to unlock the grand mysteries of providence in relation to mans sin and misery [by Joseph Glanvill]. The other, A discourse of truth by the Late Reverend Dr. Rust Lord Bishop of Dromore in Ireland. With Annotations on them both [by Henry More]. (London : J. Collins, and S. Lowndes, 1682) / added author(s): George Rust, Henry More
The way of happiness represented in its difficulties and incouragements, and cleared from many popular and dangerous mistakes (London : E.C. & A.C. for James Collins ..., 1670)
The zealous, and impartial Protestant shewing some great, but less heeded dangers of popery, in order to thorough and effectual security against it : in a letter to a member of Parliament. (London : M.C. for Henry Brome ..., 1681)

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