Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: | | The Christians looking glasse wherein hee may cleerely see, his loue to God liuely expressed, his fidelity truely discouered, and pride against God and man, anatomised. Whereby the hypocrisie of the times is notoriously manifested. By Thomas Tuke, minister of Gods word at Saint Giles in the Fields. ( London : Nicholas Okes, and are to bee sold by Richard Bolton, at his shop in Chancery-lane, neere Holborne, 1615) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Concerning the Holy Eucharist an the Popish Breaden God (1625), ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (For private circulation, 1872) | GB | | |
Concerning the Holy Eucharist and the Popish Breaden God (private circulation, 1871) | GB | | |
Concerning the Holy Eucharist, and the popish breaden-god to the men of Rome, as well laiqves as cleriqves, by Thomas Tuke. ( Amsterdam : [Successors of G. Thorp], 1625) | EEBO-TCP | | |
De Conincklicke wech tot den Hemel ofte de Leere van Gods eewighe verkiesinge, scheppinghe ende val der menschen [...] ( Dordrecht : Joris Waters, 1611) | GB | | |
De conincklicke wech tot den hemel. Ofte de Leere van Gods eewighe verkiesinge, scheppinghe ende val der menschen ... tsamen ghevoecht ende ghemaect in de Engelsche tale door T. Tuke ende nu ... over-geset door H. Hexham ( 1611) | GB | | |
A discourse against painting and tincturing of women. Wherein the abominable sinnes of murther and poysoning, pride and ambition, adultery and witchcraft are set foorth & discouered. Whereunto is added The picture of a picture, or, the character of a painted woman. ( London : [By Thomas Creede and Bernard Alsop] for Edward Marchant, 1616) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A discourse of death, bodily, ghostly, and eternall nor vnfit for souldiers warring, seamen sayling, strangers trauelling, women bearing, nor any other liuing that thinkes of dying. By Thomas Tuke. ( London : William Stansbie for George Norton, 1613) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The high-vvay to heauen: or, the doctrine of election, effectuall vocation, iustification, santification and eternall life. Grounded vpon the holy Scriptures, confirmed by the testimonies of sundry iudicious and great diuines, ancient and moderne. Compiled by Thomas Tuke. ( London : Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere Holborne bridge, 1609) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The High-Way to Heaven: or, the doctrine of Election, effectuall Vocation, Justification, Sanctification and eternall Life, etc ( London : N. Okes, 1635) | GB | | |
De konincklyke wech tot den hemel. Ofte: De leere van Godts eeuwighe verkiesinghe ... ( Amsterdam : voor Corn. Lod. vander Plasse, 1614) | GB | | |
Nevv essayes: meditations, and vowes including in them the chiefe duties of a Christian, both for faith, and manners. By Thomas Tuke, minister of Gods Word, at S. Giles in the Fields. ( London : N[icholas] O[kes] and are to be sold by William Bladon, at his shop in S Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Bible, 1614) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The picture of a true protestant: or, Gods house and husbandry wherein is declared the duty and dignitie of all Gods children, both minister and people. Written by Thomas Tuke. ( London : Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Thomas Archer in Popes head Pallace, neere the Royall Exchange, 1609) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A theological discourse of the gracious and blessed coniunction of Christ and a sincere Christian. By Tho: Tuke Preacher of Gods word. The blessed virgin Mary brought foorth Christ, and the Catholique Church brings foorth all true Christians. ( London : Edw : Griffin dwelling in the little Old-baily neere the signe of the Kings head, 1617) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The true trial and turning of a sinner. Or, three plaine and profitable sermons teaching the search and triall of our waies, repentance of sinne, and true turning vnto God. The summe whereof was preached at Feuersham in Kent Aug. 3. 1606. By Thomas Tuke. ( London : Thomas Creede, 1607) | EEBO-TCP | | |