Share:  Theology (21) | Related (1) |
Bradshaw's ghost being a dialogue between the said ghost, and an apparition of the late King Charles : wherein are laid down severall transactions that did occur in the many passages of his life, never known before. ( London, 1659) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A direction for the weaker sort of Christians shewing in what manner they ought to fit and prepare themselues to the worthy receiuing of the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ: with a short forme of triall or examination annexed. Grounded vpon 1. Cor.11.23.-30. By W.B. Whereunto is adioined a verie profitable treatise of the same argument, by way of question and answer, written by another. ( London : W. Hall for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bul-head, 1609) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Dissertatio de iustificationis doctrina (Blagrave, 1658) | GB |  |   |
Dissertatio De Iustificationis Doctrina : Quâ via plana munitur ad eorum concordiam qui hac de re variârunt ( Lugdunum Batavorum : Vander, 1684) | BSB |  |   |
Dissertatio de ivstificationis doctrina, qua via plana munitur ad eorum concordiam qui hac de re variarunt, vol. 1 (ap. J. Maire, 1618) | GB |  |   |
Dissertatio de justificationis doctrinâ, quâ via plana munitur ad corum concordiam qui hâc de re variârunt ( Leiden : Petrus Vander Aa, 1684) | GB |  |   |
English puritanisme | |
Francofurti : Aubrius, 1610 | BSB |  |   |
English Puritanisme containing the maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called Puritans in the realme of England ( London, 1641) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
English Puritanisme: containening the maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called Puritans in the realme of England. [By William Bradshaw.] (W. Jones's secret Press, 1605) | GB |  |   |
English Puritanisme: Containing the Maine Opinions of the Rigidest Sort of Those that are Called Puritanes in the Realme of England ( 1640) | GB |  |   |
Hvmble motives for association to maintaine religion established ... : [including a petition to the Queene for association] / Published as an antidote against the pestilent treatises of secular priests. ( 1601) / added author(s): Thomas Digges | BDC |  |   |
A meditation of mans mortalitie Containing an exposition of the ninetieth psalme. By that Reuerend and religious seruant of God Mr. William Bradshavv, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his decease by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and Pastor of Rotherhith. ( London : Iohn Dawson for Fulke Clifton, and are to be sold on New-fish streete hill vnder Saint Margrets Church, 1621) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A plaine and pithy exposition of the second Epistle to the Thessalonians. By that learned & judicious diuine Mr William Bradshaw, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his deceasse by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and paster of Rotherhith ( London : Printedby Edward Griffin for William Bladen, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, at the great north dore of Paules, 1620) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A proposition. Concerning kneeling in the very act of receiuing howsoever ( [London], 1605) | GB |  |   |
Puritanismus Anglicanus, Sive Praecipua Dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur ( Frankfurt : Aubrius, 1610) / added author(s): William Ames [NB: According to Keith L. Sprunger, Trumpets from the Tower (Brill, 1994), p. 219, William Ames wrote the preface and this was likely published in the Netherlands not Frankfurt. See also Oxford DNB] | GB |  |   |
Puritanismus Anglicanus, sive Præcipua dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgò dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur (Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, 1658) | GB |  |   |
Puritanismus Anglicanus, sive præcipua dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur. [The preface signed: Guilielmus Amesius. By W. Bradshaw. Translated by W. Ames.] Quibus annectitur scholastica disceptatio de circulo pontificio, etc, trans. W. Ames.] Quibus annectitur scholastica disceptatio de circulo pontificio, etc ( 1610) | GB |  |   |
A shorte treatise of the crosse in baptisme : contracted into this syllogisme. No religious vse of a popish idoll, in Gods publike seruice: is indifferent, but vtterly vnlawfull. But the vse of the crosse in baptisme is a religious vse of a popish idoll in Gods publike seruice. Ergo. The vse of the crosse in baptisme is not indifferent but vtterly vnlawfull. ( [London], 1604) | IA |  |   |
A treatise of iustification. Tending to proue that a sinner is iustified before God, onely by Christs righteousness imputed (Thomas Creede, 1615) | GB |  |   |