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« Richard Bostocke (fl.1585-)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Boston (1676-1732)
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Eene beschouwing van het verbondt der genade uit de heilige gedenkschriften: waarin de onderhandelende persoonen, die dat verbondt hebben aangegaan, hoe en wanneer het gemaakt zy, deszelfs deelen, zoo wel voorwaardelyk als beloovende, en de bestiering van het zelve, ieder afzonderlyk overwoogen ..., trans. Alexander Comrie (Johannes Hasebroek, 1741)
Eene beschouwing van het verbondt der genade, uit de heilige gedenkschriften: Waar in de onderhandelende persoonen, die dat verbondt hebben aangegaan, hoe en wanneer het gemaakt zy, deszelfs deelen, zoo wel voorwaardelyk als beloovende, en de bestiering van het zelve, ieder afzonderlyk ..., trans. Alexander Comrie (Johannes Hasebroek, 1741)
Camni yn y goelbren, neu Ddatguddiad o'r modd y mae pen-ar-glwyddiaeth a doethineb Duw yn trefnu cystuddiau dynion: Newydd ei gyfiaithu yn Gymraeg (Ross, 1769)
The Christian Life delineated in the principal lines thereof, both as to its rise and progress : in several practical discourses ... (Edinburgh : and for John Gray, 1775)
Co'-eignaghadh soisgeulach : searmoin ([Inverness, 1863)
A collection on sermons ...: preached ... on several occasions, particularllly fast-days ... (J. Gray, 1772)
The Crook in the Lot (1838)
The crook in the lot
Robert Carter., 1842GB 
London : James Nisbet, 1832IA 
The crook in the lot : or, A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (New York : Robert Carter & Brothers, 1852)
The crook in the lot [microform], or, A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (New York : Robert Carter, 1848)
The crook in the lot, or A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (R. Carter & Brothers, 1851)
The crook in the lot, or, A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (Robert Carter, 1846)
The crook in the lot, or, The sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (New York : Robert Carter, 1841)
The crook in the lot; or The sovereignty and wisdom of God, in the afflictions of men displayed; together with a Christian deportment under them. Being the substance of several sermons on Eccl. VII. 13, Prov. XVI.19, and I Pet. v. 6 (Philadelphia : D. Hogan, 1811)
The crook in the lot; or, A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (Philadelphia : W. S. Martien, 1839)
The crook in the lot: or, A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the Christian's deportment under them (Robert Carter & Brothers, 1852)
The crook in the lot: or, The sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men (Edinburgh : Edinburgh, [n.d.])
Des menschen natuur in deszelfs vier-voudige staat ... (Johannes Hasebroek, 1768)
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