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« Martin Binnart (fl.1636-)
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Hugh Binning (1627-1653)
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Primary Sources (13 titles, 16 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (5) | Theology (11)
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The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism wherein some of the most concerning-foundations of our faith are solidely laid down, and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home and most satisfyingly handled ([Glasgow] : R.S., printer to the town of Glasgow, 1667)
The Common Principiles of Christian Religion Clearly Proved and Singularly Improved; Or, a Practical Catechism, Wherein Some of the Most Concerning-foundations of Our Faith are Solidely Laid Down ... The 5. Impression, Carefully Corrected&amended. [Edited by P. Gillespie.] (Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1666)
Des zondaars heiligdom, of ontdekking van de heerlijke privilegien, aangeboden aan de boetvaardigen en geloovigen, onder het evangelie; in XL predikatiƫn over Rom. VIII: 1-15, trans. Jacobus Koelman (Golverdinge, 1861)
Des zondaars heyligdom: of Ontdekking van de heerlijke privilegien, aangeboden aan de boetvaerdige en gelovige, onder 't euangelium, in veertig predikatien over Rom. VIII. vers 1 tot 15 (Adrianus Douci, 1741)
Ettelijcke gronden van de christelijcke religie, klaerlijck geopent, en sonderlingh tot de pracktijck gebracht door mr. Hugo Binning ... Vertaelt door Jacobus Koelman ... (Veen, Pieter van, Laren, Abraham van & Brouwning : Mercy, 1678)
Ettelijke gronden van de Christelijke religie, klaarlijk geopent, en zonderling tot de praktijk overgebragt, 4th ed. (1761)
Fellowship with God, or, XXVIII sermons on the I Epistle of John, chap. 1 and 2 wherein the true ground and foundation of attaining, the spiritual way of intertaining fellowship with the Father and the Son, and the blessed condition of such as attain to it, are most succinctly and dilucidly explained (Edinbvrgh : George Swintoun and James Glen, 1671)
The sinners sanctuary, or, A discovery made of those glorious priviledges offered unto the penitent and faithful under the Gospel unfolding their freedom from death, condemnation, and the law, in fourty sermons upon Romans, Chap. 8 (Edinburgh : George Swintown and James Glen and are to be sold at their shops ..., 1670)
An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland (Edinburgh?, 1693)
De ware gemeenschap met God en de gelovigen gegrond, in de verzoeninge Jezu Christi: voorgestelt in ettelyke predikatien ... (Wed. J. J. van Poolsum, 1764)
Works of the pious, Reverend and learn'd Mr. Hugh Binning : containing I. The common principles of the Christian religion; or his sermons on the Catec (Edinburgh : R. Fleming and Co., and sold by Mr. James Davidson, and John Paton, 1735)

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