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« Thomas Marshall (1621-1685)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Walter Marshall (1628-1680)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (6 titles, 10 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Das evangelische Geheimniß der Heiligung in verschiedenen praktischen Anleitungen : Aus dem Englischen nach der siebenten Ausgabe übersetzt / von Herrn Walther Marschall nebst einer Vorrede des Herrn Hervey. (Hamburg : Brandt, 1765)
The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification Open'd in Sundry Practical Directions: Suited Especially to the Case of Those who Labour Under the Guilt and Power of In-dwelling Sin. To which is Added, a Sermon on Justification, 2nd ed. (London : J.L.J.N.J. and B.S. and N. Cliff and D. Jackson, 1714)
The gospel-mystery of sanctification, opened, in sundry practical directions: suited especially to the case of those who labor under the guilt and power of indwelling sin: To which is added a sermon on justification
Edinburgh, Scotland : J. Ogle, Doig & Stirling, and W. Whyte, 1815IA 
New York : R. Carter & Brothers, 1859IA 
New York : Southwick and Pelsue, 1811IA 
De Verborgentheit van de Euangelische Heiligmaking: verklaart in eenige praktikale bestieringen (Johannes Hasebroek, 1772)
Verhandeling over de ware evangelische heiligmaking, benevens een redevoering over de rechtvaardigmaking (Donner, 1882)
Verhandeling, over de waare euangelische heiligmaking, nevens een redevoering over de rechtvaerdigmaking, (Johannes Thierry, 1772)

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