Share: | | Antiquitates apoitolicæ, or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour and the two evangelists SS. Mark and Lvke to which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, Mosiacal and evangelical : being a continuation of Antiquitates christianæ or the life and death of the holy Jesus ( London : R. Norton for R. Royston ..., 1676) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Antiquitates Apostolicae : or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy Apostles of our Saviour, and the two Evangelistes SS. Mark and Luke ( London : Royston, 1676) | BSB | | |
Antiquitates apostolicae, od. Leben, Thaten und Martyrtod der heiligen Apostel ( 1710) | GB | | |
Antiquitates Apostolicae, Oder Leben, Thaten und Märtyr-tod Der Heiligen Apostel, Wie auch derer beyden Evangelisten Marci und Lucä : Nebst einer einleitungs-rede von denen drey haupt-regierungen der kirchen Gottes, aus dem Englischen ins Hochdeutsche übersetzet ( Leipzig : Fritsch, 1724) | BSB | | |
Antiquitates Apostolicae, Oder Leben, Thaten und Märtyr-tod Der Heiligen Apostel, Wie auch derer beyden Evangelisten Marci und Lucä: Nebst einer einleitungs-rede von denen drey haupt-regierungen der kirchen Gottes, aus dem Englischen ins Hochdeutsche übersetzet (Fritsch, 1696) | GB | | |
Antiquitates Apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy Apostles of our Saviour, and the two Evangelistes SS. Mark and Luke (Royston, 1676) | GB | | |
Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of Our Saviour: To which are added, lives of the two evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke. As also, a brief enumeration and account of the apostles and their successors for the first three hundred years ..., vol. 1 (J. Hatchard and son, 1834) | GB | | |
Antiquitates Apostolicae: or, The lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy Apostles, to which are added, lives of st. Mark and st. Luke, with an intr. essay by H. Stebbing, ed. Henry Stebbing | | ed. Henry Stebbing (1834) | GB | | |
Antiquitates ecclesiasticae | | 1701 | GB | | |
Bremen, 1701 | BSB | | |
Antiqvitates apostolicae; oder, Leben, thaten und märtyr-tod der heiligen apostel: wie auch derer beyden evangelisten Marci und Lucä ... (T. Fritsch, 1696) | GB | | |
Antiqvitates Apostolicæ, Oder Leben, Thaten und Märtyr-tod Der Heiligen Apostel, Wie auch derer beyden Evangelisten Marci und Lucä : Nebst einer einleitungs-rede von denen drey haupt-regierungen der Kirchen Gottes, anietzo aus dem Englischen ins Hochdeutsche übersetzet / William Cave ( Leipzig : Fritsch, 1710) | ULBH | | |
Antiqvitates Christianae: Or, the History of the Life and Death of the Holy Jesus : as Also the Lives, Acts & Martyrdoms of His Apostles. In Two Parts. The First Part, Containing the Life of Christ (E. Flesher, and R. Norton, 1678) | GB | | |
Apostolici : or the history of the lives, acts, death and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles : as also the most eminent of the Primitive Fathers for the first three hundred years to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church, vol. 1 ( London : R. Chiswel, 1682) | IA | | |
Apostolische mannen, of het leven, bedryf, dood, en martelaarschappen van de Vaderen, die ten tijde van de Apostelen (F. Halma, 1698) | GB | | |
Apostolische oudheden, of het leven, de daden en martelaryen der heylige apostelen, euangelisten, en oude vaderen, tot het eynde van de vierde eeuw. Waar voor gevoegd is, een vertoog van de drie groote bedeelingen der kerke, onder de Patriarchen, Moses en het Euangelium. Door William Cave ... Uyt het Engelsch, naar den vijfden druk vertaald, door Salomon Bor ... Uytgegeven met een voorreden ... door Hermannus Wits ( François Halma : Willem vande Water, 1698) | IA | | |
Apostolische oudheden, of het leven, de daden, en martelaryen der heylige apostelen, evangelisten en oude Vaderen, tot het eynde van de vierde eeuw (F. Halma, 1698) | GB | | |
Bishop Jeremy Taylor's Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A rev. ed. with notes by ... Robert Philip; also The Lives, acts and martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of Our Saviour, to which are added lives of the two evangelists: St. Mark and St. Luke, by William Cave, ed. Robert Philip (W. Johnston, 1836) | GB | | |
Chartophylax ecclesiasticus (Güntherus, 1685) | GB | | |