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Thomas Chalkley (1675-1741)
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Primary Sources (12 titles, 13 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A collection of the works of ... Thomas Chalkley. [2 pt. Wanting the general title-leaf]. (1751)
A collection of the works of that ancient, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Chalkley, who departed this life in the island of Tortola, the fourth day of the ninth month, 1741 : to which is prefixed, a journal of his life, travels, and Christian experiences (London : James Philips, 1791)
A collection of the works of that antient, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Chalkley, who departed this life in the island of Tortola, the fourth day of the ninth month, 1741 ; to which is prefix'd, A journal of his life, travels, and Christian experiences (London : Luke Hinde ..., 1751)
A collection of the works of that antient, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Chalkley: to which is prefix'd a journal of his life, travels, and Christian experiences (L. Hinde, 1751)
A collection of the works of Thomas Chalkley: In two parts (James & Johnson, 1790)
A journal of the life and travels of Thomas Chalkley (Schools of industry, 1835)
A journal of the life, travels and Christian experiences of Thomas Chalkley (London : Marsh, 1850)
A journal of the life, travels, and Christian experiences of Thomas Chalkley (William Phillips, 1818)
The journal of Thomas Chalkley: to which is annexed, a collection of his works (Samuel Wood, 1808)
The journal of Thomas Chalkley. To which is annexed, a collection of his works
New York : Philadelphia, 1808IA 
New York; Printed and sold by Samuel Wood, no. 362, Pearl-street; Sold also, by Abraham Sheatman, jun., New Bedford; by Kimber and Conrad : Philadelphia, 1808IA 
A journal, or historical account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences, of that antient, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, who departed this life in the Island of Tortola, the fourth day of the nineth month, 1741 (London : L. Hinde, 1751)
On the great love of God to mankind, through Jesus Christ our Lord: Extracted from a treatise in the collection of his works (E. Couchman, 1835)

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