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« John Penington (1655-1710)
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William Penn (1644-1718)
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Primary Sources (58 titles, 62 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An account of W. Penn's travails in Holland and Germany, Anno MDCLXXVII : for the service of the gospel of Christ, by way of journal ; containing also divers letters and epistles writ to several great and eminent persons whilst there (London : T. Sowle, 1694)
An address to Protestants upon the present conjuncture. In II. parts ([London], 1679)
Advice of William Penn to his children : relating to their civil and religious conduct (Philadelphia : Franklin Roberts, printer, 1881)
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. The journal of John Woolman. Fruits of solitude [by] William Penn, vol. 1 (New York : P.F. Collier, 1909)
A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers ([n.d.])
A brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers: in which their fundamental principle, doctrines, worship, ministry, and discipline, are plainly declared. With a summary relation of the former dispensations of God in the world, by way of introduction ..., 10th ed. (J. Phillips, 1794)
The Christian Quaker, and his divine testimony stated and vindicated (Philadelphia : Joseph Rakestraw, 1824)
A collection of the works of William Penn : to which is prefixed a journal of his life, with many original letters and papers not before published (London : J. Sowle)
Vol. 1 (1726)
Vol. 2 (1726) IA 
Correspondence between William Penn and James Logan, secretary of the province of Pennsylvanis, and others, 1700-1750. From the original letters in possession of the Logan family (Philadelphia : The Historical society of Pennsylvania)
Vol. 1 (1870)
Vol. 2 (1870) IA 
Exposition succincte de l'origine et des progrès du peuple qu'on appelle les quakers ou les trembleurs: où l'on déclare ingénument leur principe fondamental, leurs doctrines, leur culte, leur ministère, et leur discipline : avec un abrégé des précédentes oeconomies ou dispensations de Dieu au ..., trans. Claude Gay (imprimé par Luc Hinde, 1764)
Forderung der Christenheit fürs Gericht: sampt einer freundlichen Heymsuchung in der Liebe Gottes ..., 2nd ed. (1750)
The free-born Englishman's unmask'd battery; or, A short narrative of our miserable condition. Grounded upon undeniable facts, for the plain, honest information of the publick ... with some quotation from the great and famous William Penn, the Quaker ... (London : and sold by E. Lamb ..., 1747)
Fruits of a father's love (London : Luke Hinde, 1765)
Fruits of a father's love : being the advice of William Penn to his children, relating to their civil and religious conduct (Philadelphia : Benjamin Johnson, 1792)
Fruits of a father's love, the advice of W. Penn to his children, relating to their civil and religious conduct, now made publick by a lover of his memory [sir J. Rhodes]., ed. John Rhodes (sir) (1726)
Fruits of solitude : in reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life (Philadelphia : Benjamin Johnson, 1792)
Fruits of solitude; reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life (Chicago : R. R. Donnelley & sons company, 1906)
Good advice to the Church of England, Roman Catholick, and Protestant dissenter : in which it is endeavoured to be made appear that it is their duty, principles & interest to abolish the penal laws and tests (London : Andrew Sowle ..., 1687)
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