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« William Barlee (fl.1656-1658)
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Thomas Barlow (c.1608-1691)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReferenceen | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLOAcademic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (26 titles, 29 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (29) | Edited (1)
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Autoschediasmata, De studio theologiae, or, Directions for the choice of books in the study of divinity written by ... Dr. Thomas Barlow ... ; publish'd from the original manuscript, by William Offley ... (Oxford : Leon. Lichfield, 1699)
Brutum fulmen, or, The bull of Pope Pius V concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth as also the absolution of her subjects from their oath of allegiance, with a peremptory injunction, upon pain of an anathema, never to obey any of her laws or commands : with some observations and animadversions upon it (London : S. Roycroft for Robert Clavell ..., 1681)
Brutum fulmen: or, The bull of Pope Pius V concerning the damnation of Q. Elizabeth, 2nd ed. (London : S. Roycroft, 1681)
The case concerning setting up images or painting of them in churches (1714)
A Christian admonition or friendly exhortation, sent to William Lawd, lace [i.e. late] Arch-bishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower ... by T.B. (London?, 1641)
A discourse concerning the laws ecclesiastical and civil made against hereticks by popes, emperors and kings, provincial and general councils, approved by the church of Rome with a preface against persecuting and destroying hereticks (London : Thomas Basset, 1682)
A discourse of the peerage & jurisdiction of the Lords spiritual in Parliament (London, 1679)
Discourse of the peerage & jurisdiction of the Lords spirituall in Parliament proving from the fundamental laws of the land, the testimony of the most renowned authors, and the practice of all ages : that have no right in claiming any jurisdiction in capital matters. (London, 1679)
A few plain reasons why a Protestant of the Church of England should not turn Roman Catholick by a real Catholick of the Church of England. (London : R. Clavel ..., 1688)
A letter concerning invocations of saints, and adoration of the cross writ ten years since, to John Evelyn of Depthford, esq. (London : John Macock for John Martyn ..., 1679)
The original of kingly and ecclesiastical government by T.B. ... ([London] : Robert Clavell and William Hensman, 1681)
Papismus Regiae Potestatis Eversor. Reverendus admodum Episcopus Lincoln Anglice scripsit
London : Jacob Colins, 1682GB 
London : Jacob Collins, 1682GB 
Pegasus, or, The flying horse from Oxford bringing the proceedings of the visitours and other Bedlamites there, by command of the Earle of Mongomery. ([London] : Printed, at Montgomery, heretofore called Oxford, 1648)
Pietas in patrem, or a few teares vpon the lamented death of his most deare, and loving father Richard Barlow late of Langill in VVestmooreland, who dyed December 29. Ann. 1636. By Thomas Barlow Master of Arts, Fellow of Queenes Coll. in Oxon and eldest sonne of his deceased father. (Oxford : VVilliam Turner, 1637)
Popery, or, The principles & positions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all and to Protestant kings and supreme powers, more especially pernicious, and inconsistent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indispensably due to supreme powers, in a letter to a person of honor ([London] In the Savoy : Tho. Newcomb, for James Collins ..., 1679)
Popery, or, The principles & positions approved by the Church of Rome, (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all : and to Protestant kings & supreme powers, more especially pernicious, and inconsistent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indispensably due to supreme powers, in a letter to a person of honor ([London] In the Savoy : T. Newcomb, and sold by James Collins, 1679)
Several Miscellaneous and Weighty Cases of Conscience (London : Mrs. Davis, 1692)
Several miscellaneous and weighty cases of conscience learnedly and judiciously resolved (London : Mrs. Davis ..., 1692)
Suprematus Pontificis Romani in omnes seculi Magistratus (1689)
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