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Greifswald, Germany
(Est. 1456)
Faculty (12) | Disputations (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Faculty of Hebrew
Albert VogtProf. of Hebrew (1660-?) 2Lutherann/a
Faculty of Logic and Metaphysics
Abraham BattusProf. of Logic and Metaphysics (1632-1652) 12Lutherande | Zedler
Faculty of Philosophy
Johannes Garcaeus, JrProf. of Philosophy (1556-1559) 7LutheranADB
Philipp Heinrich FriedliebProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1628-1630) 15Lutherande | ADB
Faculty of Theology
Johannes Garcaeus, JrProf. of Theology (1559-1561) 7LutheranADB
Abraham BattusProf. of Theology (1652-?) 12Lutherande | Zedler
Johann Friedrich MayerProf. of Theology (1701-1712) 101Lutherande | ADB | BBKL
Albrecht Joachim von KrackewitzProf. of Theology (1721-1732) 54LutheranNDB
Johann Ernst SchubertProf. of Theology (1764-1774) 88Lutherande | ADB
Bernhard Friedrich QuistorpProf. of Theology (1766-1788) 7LutheranADB
Johannes Freder, SrProf. of Theology (?-?) 0LutheranNDB
Barthold von KrakewitzProf. of Theology (?-?) 11Lutherann/a

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