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Glasgow, Scotland
(Est. 1451)
Faculty (27) | Secondary Sources (4) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
John MajorPrincipal (1518-1523) 46Roman Catholic | Scholasticon
Andrew MelvillePrincipal (1574-1580) 5Reformeden
Thomas SmeatonPrincipal (1580-1583) 1Reformeden
Patrick SharpPrincipal (1585-1615) 0ReformedDNB1
Robert BoydPrincipal (1615-1621) 9Reformeden | DNB1
John CameronPrincipal (1622-1623) 26Reformeden | Bayle | Haag2
John StrangPrincipal (1626-1650) 4Reformedn/a
Patrick GillespiePrincipal (1652-1660) 1Reformeden | DNB1
William WightProf. of Divinity (1778-1782) 0Reformedn/a
Faculty of Arts
John CameronProf. of Greek (1599-1600) 26Reformeden | Bayle | Haag2
Faculty of Logic and Metaphysics
John LoudonProf. of Logic and Metaphysics (1727-1750) 0n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Robert BaillieProf. of Philosophy (1625-1631) 40Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
George SinclairProf. of Mathematics (1654-1666) 2Reformeden
Gershom CarmichaelProf. of Philosophy (1694-1727) 0Reformedn/a
Adam SmithProf. of Philosophy (1751-1764) 3n/a
Faculty of Theology
David DicksonProf. of Theology (1640-1650) 35Reformeden
Robert BaillieProf. of Theology (1642-1662) 40Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
John YoungProf. of Theology (1653-1669) 0Reformedn/a
Gilbert BurnetProf. of Theology (1669-1674) 412Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, Latitudinarianen | DNB2
David LiddellProf. of Theology (1674-1682) 0Reformedn/a
Alexander RossProf. of Theology (1682-1687) 1Reformedn/a
James WodrowProf. of Theology (1692-1707) 0Reformedn/a
John SimsonProf. of Divinity (1708-1729) 0Reformedn/a
William LeechmanProf. of Divinity (1743-1761) 3Reformedn/a
Robert TrailProf. of Divinity (1761-1775) 0Reformedn/a
William WightProf. of Ecclesiastical History (1762-1778) 0Reformedn/a
Robert FindlayProf. of Divninty (1782-1814) 2Reformedn/a

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