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Primary Sources (271 titles, 448 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Brown of Haddington, John (1722-1787)
Address to students of divinity (Philadelphia : Russell and Martien, 1832)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible: containing an historical account of the persons; a geographical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testaments ..., vol. 1 (Philadelphia : William W. Woodward, 1798)
Buchanan, George (1506-1582)
The fountain and the rose ([Philadelphia] : Becktold & Co., 1883)
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
The complete works
Philadelphia : Bradley, Garretson and Co., 1873IA 
Philadelphia : Garreteon, 1873IA 
Burton, Robert (1577-1640)
The anatomy of melancholy ; What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptons, prognostics, and several cures of it (Philadelphia : J. W. Moore, 1855)
The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptons, prognostics, and several cures of it : in three partitions with their several sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medically, historically opened and cut up (Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1868)
Calderwood, David (1575-1650)
The pastor and the prelate; or, Reformation and conformity shortly compared ... with the answer of the common and chief objections against every part: showing whether of the two is to be followed by the true Christian and patriot .. (Philadelphia : S. Agnew, 1844)
Calvin, Jean (1509-1564)  en fr
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Philadelphia)
Vol. 1 (1909)
Vol. 2 (1909) IA 
trans. John Allen (Philadelphia : Hezekiah Howe)
Vol. 1 (1816) GB 
Vol. 2 (1816) GB 
Vol. 3 (1816) GB 
Philadelphia : P. H. Nicklin
Vol. 1 (1816) IA 
Vol. 3 (1816) IA 
Philadelphia : Philip H. Nicklin
Vol. 1 (1816) IA 
Vol. 2 (1816) IA 
Vol. 3 (1816) IA 
Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication
Vol. 1 (1813) IA 
Vol. 2 (1813) IA 
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