Burmann, Pieter (1668-1741) |
Sylloge epistolarum a viris illustribus scriptarum ( Leiden : Luchtmans Samuelem) | |
Vol. 2 ( 1727) [Quo Justi Lipsii, et aliorum virorum eruditorum, multae etiam mutuae epistolae continentur] | GB |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1727) [Quo Nicolai Heinsii, J. Fr. Gronovii, Isaaci Vossii ... epistolae maximam partem mutuae exhibentur] | GB |  |   |
Vol. 4 (1727) [Quo Nicolai Heinsii, Johannis Georgii Graevii, et Jacobi Perizonii epistolae maximam partem mutuae exhibentur] | GB |  |   |
Vol. 5 (1727) [Quo Nicolai Heinsii et virorum eruditorum ... epistolae mutuae et Nic. Heinsii ad Christinam Augustam Reginam Sueciae continentur] | GB |  |   |
Burnath, Gilbert (-1629) |
Ethicae dissertationes, quibus perfecta & solida philosophiÄ™ moralis idea modo accuratissimo exhibetur | |
Leiden : J. Maire, 1649 | GB |  |   |
Buxtorf, Johann, Jr (1599-1664) en de |
Epitome grammaticae hebraeae, 3rd ed. ( Leiden : Jordanum Luchtmans, 1701) [scanned backwards] | GB |  |   |
Cabeljauw, Pieter (c.1608-1668) |
Catholiick memory-boeck der gereformeerde, gestelt tegen het roomsch-memory-boeck der paus-gesinde ...: zijnde een volkomen wederlegginghe van het Memory-boeck van Turano Vekiti ... ( Leiden : Pieter Leffen) | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1661) | GB |  |   |
Calderwood, David (1575-1650) |
Altare Damascenum: seu ecclesiae anglicanae politia, ecclesiae scoticanae obtrusa, a formalista quodam delineata, illustrata et examinata ( Leiden, 1708) | GB |  |   |
Perth Assembly : Containing 1. The proceedings thereof. 2. The proofe of the nullitie thereof. 3. Reasons presented thereto against the receiving the five new Articles imposed. 4. The oppositenesse of it to the proceedings and oath of the whole state of the land. An. 1581. 5. Proofes of the unlawfulnesse of the said five Articles .. ( [Leiden] : [William Brewster, Pilgrim Press], 1619) | IA |  |   |
Calvin, Jean (1509-1564) en fr |
Harmonia, dat is, Een t'samen-stemminghe ghemaeckt uut de drie evangelisten, namelick, Mattheo, Marco ende Luca ( Leiden : Ian Paedts Iacobsz., 1604) | GB |  |   |
Institutie ofte onderwiisinghe in de Christelicke religie .. ( Leiden : Ian Paedts Iacobsz. ende Ian Bouvvensz., 1602) | IA |  |   |
Charleton, Walter (1620-1707) en |
Exercitationes physico-anatomicae, de oeconomia animali, novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa, [et] mechanice explicata ( Leiden : Apud Jacobum Moukee [et] Petrum de Graef, 1678) | GB |  |   |
Charron, Pierre (1541-1603) |
| BSB |  |   |
Clauberg, Johann (1622-1665) en de |
Initatio philosophi sive dubitatio cartesiana. Ad metaphysicam certitudinem viam aperiens | |
Leiden : Adr. Wyngaerden, 1655 | GB |  |   |
Cloppenburg, Johannes (1592-1652) en |
De foenore et usuris, brevis institutio: cum ejusdem epistola ad Cl. Salmasium ( Leiden : ex officina Elseviriorum, 1640) | GB |  |   |
Sacrificiorum patriachalium Schola cum Spicilegio ( Leiden : Elsevir, 1637) | GB |  |   |
Coccejus, Johannes (1603-1669) en nl |
Cogitationes de Apocalypsi S. Johannis theologi ( Leiden : Cornelius Driehuysen, 1665) | GB |  |   |