Voisin, Joseph de (1610-1685) |
Augustinus in novum Domini nostri Jesu-Christi testamentum / 1 ( Paris : Piget, 1659) | BSB |  |   |
Augustinus in novum Domini nostri Jesu-Christi testamentum / 2 ( Paris : Piget, 1659) | BSB |  |   |
Disputatio theologica orthodoxa de Sanctissima Trinitate ( Parisii, 1647) | BSB |  |   |
Liber De Iubilaeo Secundum Hebraeorum & Christianorum doctrinam ( Parisii : Boullenger, 1655) | BSB |  |   |
Liber de lege divina secund. statum omnium temporum ( Parisii, 1650) | BSB |  |   |
Volusenus, Florentius (c.1504-1547) |
| BSB |  |   |
White, Thomas (1593-1676) en |
An apology for Rushworth's dialogues : wherin the exceptions of the Lords Falkland and Digby are answer'd, and the arts of their commended Daille discover'd ( Paris : Jean Billain, Rue St. Jacques a l'ensign St. Augustin, 1654) | IA |  |   |
An apology for Rushworth's dialogues: wherein the exceptions of the Lords Falkland and Digby are answer'd and the arts of their commended Daillé discover'd ( Paris : J. Billain, 1654) | GB |  |   |
An Apology for Rushworth's Dialogues: Wherin the Exceptions of the Lords Falkland and Digby are ... ( Paris [i.e. London?] : Jean Billain ..., 1654) | IA |  |   |
White, Thomas (c.1550-1624) |
A catechisme of Christian doctrine [by T. White]., 2nd ed. ( Paris, 1659) | GB |  |   |
White, Thomas (1593-1676) en |
De Mundo dialogi tres... Authore Thoma [White] Anglo, E generosâ Albiorum in Oriente Trinobantum prosapiâ oriundo ( Parisiis : Apud Dionysium Moreau, 1642) | GB |  |   |
William of Auvergne (1180-1249) |
Opera omnia, ed. F. Hotot, vol. 2 ( Paris, 1674) | IA |  |   |
William of Ockham (c.1288-1348) en |
| BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
Willis, Thomas (1621-1675) en |
Dissertation sur les urines / tirée des ouvrages de Willis, très célèbre médecin d'Angleterre ( Paris : Laurent d'Houry, 1683) | BNF |  |   |
Witasse, Charles |
Continuatio theologiae Caroli Vuitasse, ... Tractatus de sacramento Confirmationis ... / 2 ( Parisiis, 1722) | BSB |  |   |
Tractatus de Deo ipsiusque proprietatibus / 1 ( Parisiis, 1718) | BSB |  |   |
Tractatus de Deo ipsiusque proprietatibus / 2 ( Parisiis, 1718) | BSB |  |   |
Tractatus de Deo ipsiusque proprietatibus / 3 ( Parisiis, 1718) | BSB |  |   |