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Ames, William (1576-1633)  en de
Bellarminus enervatus
London : Apud Johannem Humpfridum, 1633GB 
3rd ed. / London : Guilielmus Turner, 1629GB 
Conscience with the power and cases thereof : ([London, 1639)
Conscience with the power and cases thereof Devided into V. bookes. Written by the godly and learned, William Ames, Doctor, and Professor of Divinity, in the famous University of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine into English, for more publique benefit. ([Leyden and London] : Imprinted [W. Christiaens, E. Griffin, J. Dawson], 1639)
Coronis ad collationem Hagiensem: qua argumenta pastorum Hollandiæ adversus remonstrantium quinque articulos de divinâ prædestinatione, & capitibus ei adnexis, producta, ab horum exceptionibus vindicantur, 4th ed. (London : Felix Kingstonus, 1630)
The marrow of sacred divinity : drawne out of the Holy Scriptures and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method (London : Edward Griffin for Henry Overton in Popes-Head-ally, 1639)
The marrow of sacred divinity drawne out of the Holy Scriptures, and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method (London : Edward Griffin for Henry Overton ..., 1642)
The substance of Christian religion, or, A plain and easie draught of the Christian catechisme in LII lectures on chosen texts of Scripture, for each Lords-day of the year, learnedly and perspicuously illustrated with doctrines, reasons, and uses (London : T. Mabb for Thomas Davies, and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1659)
The Substance of Christian Religion: Or, A Plain and Easie Draught of the Christian Catechisme, in LII. Lectures
London : T. Mabb for T. Davies, 1659GB 
Theologiæ medullæ liber primus, ed. James Stuart Candlish (London : James Nisbet, 1874)
Amyraut, Moïse (1596-1664)  fr en
A discourse concerning the divine dreams mention'd in Scripture together with the marks and characters by which they might be distinguish'd from vain delusions : in a letter to Monsieur Gaches (London : A.C. for Walter Kettilby ..., 1676)
The evidence of things not seen, or, Diverse scriptural and philosophical discourses, concerning the state of good and holy men after death ... by that eminently learned divine Moses Amyraldus ; translated out of the French tongue by a Minister of the Church of England. (London : Tho. Cockerill ..., 1700)
Anderdon, John (c.1624-1685)
Against Babylon and her merchants in England one groan more breathed forth from the grief of the spirit, for the sufferings of the saints ... (London : Robert Wilson ..., 1660)
One blow at Babel in those of the people called Behmenites whose foundation is not upon that of the prophets ... but upon their own carnal conceptions begotten in their imaginations upon Jacob Behmen's writings &c. ... (London, 1662)
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626)
Apospasmatia Sacra, Or A Collection of Posthumous and Orphan Lectures: Delivered at St. Pauls and St. Giles His Church (London : R. Hodgkinsonne, for H. Moseley, 1657)
The Morall Law Expounded, 1. Largely, 2. Learnedly, 3. Orthodoxly (London : Michael Sparke, et al, 1642)
Of episcopacy : three epistles of Peter Moulin, Doctor and professor of divinity : answered by the Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews, Late Lord Bishop of Winchester (London, 1648)
Of episcopacy three epistles of Peter Moulin ... (London, 1647)
Reverendi in Christo Patris, Lanceloti, Episcopi VVintoniensis, Opuscula quaedam posthuma (Londini : Felix Kyngston pro R[ichard]. B[adger]. & Andraea Hebb, 1629)
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