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Alexander, John (fl.1689-)
God's covenant displayed by John Alexander, a converted Jew ; with a proĊ“mial discourse of the reasons of his conversion. (London : Walter Kettilby ..., 1689)
Alexander, John (1686-1743)
The primitive doctrine of Christ's divinity; or, A specimen of a full view of the anti-nicene doctrine, in an essay on Irenaeus (London : John Clark and Richard Hett, 1727)
Alison, Richard (fl.1588-1606)
An howres recreation in musicke apt for instrumentes and voyces. Framed for the delight of gentlemen and others which are wel affected to that qualitie, all for the most part with two trebles, necessary for such as teach in priuate families, with a prayer for the long preseruation of the King and his posteritie, and a thankesgiuing for the deliuerance of the whole estate from the late conspiracie. By Richard Alison Gentleman and practitioner in this arte. (London : Iohn windet the assigne of William Barley, and are to be sold at the Golden Anchore in Pater Noster Row, 1606)
A plaine confutation of a treatise of Brovvnisme, published by some of that faction, entituled: A description of the visible Church In the confutation wherof, is shewed, that the author hath neither described a true gouerment of the Church, nor yet proued, that outward discipline is the life of the Church. Whereunto is annexed an ansvvere vnto two other pamphlets, by the said factioners latelie dispersed, of certaine conferences had with some of them in prison. Wherein is made knowen the inconstancie of this sect, what the articles are which they still maintaine: as also a short confutation of them. There is also added a short ansvvere vnto such argumentes as they haue vsed to proue the Church of England not to be the Church of God. (London : Thomas Scarlet for William Wright, 1590)
The Psalmes of Dauid in meter the plaine song beeing the common tunne to be sung and plaide vpon the lute, orpharyon, citterne or base violl, seuerally or altogether, the singing part to be either tenor or treble to the instrument, according to the nature of the voyce, or for foure voyces: with tenne short tunnes in the end, to which for the most part all the Psalmes may be vsually sung, for the vse of such as are of mean skill, and whose leysure least serueth to practise: by Richard Allison Gent. practitioner in the art of musicke: and are to be sold at his house in the Dukes place neere Alde-gate. (London : [i.e. for] William Barley, the assigne of Thomas Morley, 1599)
Alleine, Joseph (1634-1668)  en
An alarm to unconverted sinners : in a serious treatise on conversion .. (London : J. Buckland [etc.], 1780)
A sure guide to heaven : or an earnest invitation to sinners to turn to God, in order to their eternal salvation .. (London : Tho. Parkhurst, 1689)
Alleine, Richard (c.1610-1681)  en
Instructions about heart-work, and a companion for Prayer (London : John Mason, 1845)
Alleine, William (c.1613-1677)  en
The captive taken from the strong : or, A true relation of the gratious release of Mistress Deborah Huish from under the power of the tempter .. (London : Lievewel Chapman, 1658)
Allen, Richard (c.1604-)
An antidote against heresy: or a preservative for Protestants against the poyson of Papists, Anabaptists, Arrians, Arminians, &c. and their pestilent errours. Shewing the authors of those errours, their grounds and reasons, the time when and occasion how they did arise; with general answers to their arguments taken out of holy scripture and the ancient fathers. Written to stay the wandering and stablish the weak in these dangerous times of Apostasy. (London : J. Macock, 1648)
Allen, Richard (fl.1696-1700)
An essay to prove singing of Psalms with conjoin'd voices, a Christian duty : and to resolve the doubts concerning it (London : J.D. for John Harris, 1696)
Allen, William (1532-1594)  en
A briefe historie of the glorious martyrdom of twelve reverend priests : Father Edmund Campion and his companions (London : Burns & Oates, 1908)
Allen, William (-1686)
Catholicism: or, Several enquiries touching visible church-membership, church-communion, the nature of schism; & the usefulness of national constitutions for the furtherance of religion (London : Walter Ketteilby, 1683)
Allen, William (1532-1594)  en
A true, sincere and modest defence of English Catholics that suffer for their faith both at home and abroad, against a false, seditions and slanderous libel entitled: (London : The Manresa Press ; St. Louis : B. Herder)
Vol. 1 (1914)
Vol. 2 (1914) IA 
Allestree, Richard (c.1621-1681)  en
The Art of Contentment, 2nd ed., ed. William Pridden (London : J. Burns, 1841)
The art of patience and balm of Gilead under all afflictions; an appendix to The art of contentment (London : R. Smith for E. Mory, 1694)
The Causes of the decay of christian piety : Or an impartial survey of the ruines of christian religion undermined by unchristian practice
London : Norton u.a., 1667BSB 
London : R. Norton, 1667GB 
London : R. Norton for T. Garthwait, 1667IA 
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