Primary Sources
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Primary Sources (18 titles, 21 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | | Bale, John (1495-1563) en | [A comedy concernynge thre lawes, of nature Moses, & Christ, corrupted by the sodomytes. Pharysees and Papystes Compyled by Iohan Bale. Anno M. D.XXXVIII.] ( [Wesel] : Anno M. D. XXXVIII, and lately inprented per Nicolaum Bamburgensem [i.e. Dirik van der Straten], 1548) | EEBO-TCP | | |
[A tragedye or enterlude manyfestyng the chefe promyses of God unto man by all ages in the olde lawe from the fall of Adam to the incarnacyon of the lorde Iesus Christ. Compyled by Johan Bale ...] ( Wesel : Dirik van der Straten, 1547) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A brefe comedy or enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of our lorde and sauer Iesus Christ, by Sathan in the desart. Compyled by Iohan Bale, Anno M. D. XXXVIII. Interlocutores. Iesus Christus, Angelus primus, Satan tentator, Angelus alter. Baleus Prolocutor ( Wesel : Dirik van der Straten, 1547) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Illustrium Majoris Britaniae Scriptorum ... Summarium ( [Wesel], 1548) | BSB | | |
Illvstrivm Maioris Britanniae Scriptorvm, Hoc Est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotiae Summariũ, in quasdam centurias diuisum, cum diuersitate doctrinarũ ... Avtore Ioanne Balaeo Svdovolca. ( Wesel : Derick van der Straten, 1549) | ULBH | | |
The vocacyon of Ioha[n] Bale to the bishiprick of Ossorie in Irela[n]de his persecucio[n]s in ye same, & finall delyueraunce... ( Imprinted in Rome [i.e. Wesel?] : Before the castell of S.Angell, at ye signe of S. Peter [i.e. by J. Lambrecht? for Hugh Singleton], in Decembre, 1553) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Becon, Thomas (1512-1567) | A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande wherein is declared the cause of takynge awaye the true Christen religion from them, & howe it maye be recouered and obtayned agayne, newly made by Thomas Becon. ( Imprynted at Strasburgh in Elsas [i.e. Wesel?] : J. Lambrecht?] at the signe of the golde[n] Bibel, 1554) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Bradford, John (c.1510-1555) | [The copye of a letter, sent by Iohn Bradforth to ... the Erles of Arundel, Darbie, Shrewsburye, and Penbroke, declaring the nature of the Spaniardes, and discovering the most detestable treasons, which thei haue pretended ... agaynste ... Englande. Wherunto is added a tragical blast of the papisticall tro[m]pet. by T.E.] ( Wesel? : J. Lambrecht?, 1556) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse wyth a true and brefe confutacion of false and papisticall doctryne. ( Wesel? : H. Singleton?, 1555) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Brenz, Johannes (1499-1570) en de | Den Catechismus. Jnhoudẽde die principaele hooftstucken eñ Artyckelen ons Christelijcken Gheloofs/ met hun verclaeringhen/ op d alder godvruchtichste ende bediedelijeste daer by gheuoecht. Door den Eerweerdigen eñ gheleerdẽ D. Joannes Brentius. Nu eerst inden nederduytsche ouergeset ... ( Wesel : Hans de Braecker, 1559) | SBB | | |
| Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) en | A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they would haue them called: made up by Thomas Cranmer ... translated and set forth, by E.P. The contentes whereof, thou shalte find in the next side folowinge. ( Wesel? : J. Lambrecht?, 1556) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658) en fr | Nouveauté du papisme | | Wesel : Hess, 1632 | BSB | | |
Wesel : Silberling Albers, 1662 | BSB | | |
| Gardiner, Stephen (c.1497-1555) | De vera obedientia. An oration made in Latine, by the right Reuere[n]de father in God Stepha[n] bishop of Wi[n]chestre, now Lorde Chau[n]celour of Englande. With the preface of Edmonde Bonner ... touching true obedience, printed at Ha[m]burgh in Latine, in officina Fra[n]cisci Rhodi mense Ianuario, 1536. And now translated in to Englishe, and printed eftsones, in Rome, before ye castle of. S. Angel, at the signe of. S. Peter. In nouembre, anno do. M.D.Liij. ( Rome [i.e. Wesel?] : [J. Lambrecht? for Hugh Singleton], 1553) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Judex, Matthaeus (1528-1564) de | Das Kleine Corpus Doctrinae. Das ist, die Heubtstücke und Summa Christlicher Lere, für die Kinder in Schulen und Heusern, auffs einfeltigst gestellet, Durch Matthaeum Iudicem ... ( Wesel : von Münsters Erben, 1565) | HAB | | |
| Lambert, John (-1538) | A treatyse made by Johan Lambert vnto kynge Henry the .viij. concerynge hys opynyon in the sacrame[n]t of the aultre as they call it, or supper of the lorde as the scripture nameth it. Anno do. 1538 ( Wesel : D. van der Straten, 1548) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Spangenberg, Cyriacus (1528-1604) en de | Wider die newen Glossirer ... der Wort Christi im Abendmal | | Wesel, 1583 | BSB | | |
Wider die Verleugner der Gegenwärtigkeit ... des Leibes Christi im Sacrament | | Wesel, 1583 | BSB | | |