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Pacard, Georges (†1610) 6Reformedfr
Paciuchelli, Angelo, O.P. (†1660) 65Roman CatholicQuetif
Pacius, Julius (†1635) 134ReformedLaw, Geneva (1575-1585); Law, Heidelberg (1585-1594); Philosophy, Geneva (1595-1597); Philosophy, Sedan (1595-1595); Provost & Prefect, Nimes (1597-1600); Philosophy, Montpellier (1600-1616); Philosophy, Padua (1621-1635)en it | HLS
Paedopater, Konrad (fl.1602-1621) 6Lutheran
Page, Samuel (†1630) 7Anglican
Pagendarm, Johann A. (†1702) 0Lutherande | Rotermund
Pagendarm, Johann G. (†1754) 1n/a
Paget, John (†1638) 4Reformeden | DNB1
Pagett, Ephraim (†1646) 6Anglican, Reformeden
Pagit, Eusebius (†1617) 8Puritan, Reformeden
Pagnino, Santes (†1536) 47Roman Catholicen
Paine, Thomas (†1806) 81n/a
Pajon, Claude (†1685) 21ReformedTheology, Saumur (1666-1667)fr | Haag1
Palacio, Miguel de (†1593) 25Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Salamanca (1545-1550); Theology, Salamanca (1550-1555)Scholasticon
Palacio, Paulus de (†1582) 13Roman Catholic
Palanco, Francisco, O.Min. (†1720) 22Roman Catholices | Scholasticon
Paleotti, Gabriele (†1597) 31Roman Catholic
Paley, William (†1805) 101Anglicanen
Palissy, Bernard (†1590) 25Reformed
Palladius, Peder (†1560) 28Lutheran
Pallavicino, Sforza (†1667) 157Roman Catholicen it
Palma-Cayet, Pierre-Victor (†1610) 41Reformed, Roman Catholic
Palmer, Anthony (†1679) 1Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Palmer, Herbert (†1647) 21Reformeden
Palmer, Samuel (†1724) 2Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Palmer, Samuel (†1813) 10Reformed
Paludanus, Michael, O.E.S.A. (†c.1652) 3Roman Catholic
Paludanus, Petrus, O.P. (†1342) 18n/a
Panckoucke, Charles J. (†1798) 11n/a
Panger, Marinus, O.F.M. Obs. (†1733) 4Roman CatholicScholasticon
Panger, Willibald, S.J. (fl.1623-) 1Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Augsburg
Panigarola, Francesco (†1594) 50Roman Catholicen it
Pantaleon, Heinrich (†1595) 24ReformedArts, Basel (1545-1548); Philosophy, Basel (1556-1557); Philosophy, Basel (1557-1558); Medicine, Basel (1558-?)ro  | HLS
Panvinio, Onofrio (†1568) 74Roman Catholic
Papa, Lucius (†1632) 0Reformedde
Pápai Páriz, Ferenc (†1716) 13Reformedhu
Papin, Isaac (†1709) 19Reformed, Roman CatholicDNB2
Papin, Nicolas (†1653) 1n/a
Papp, Johann (fl.1575-1592) 1LutheranPhilosophy, Heidelberg (1580-1585)
Pappus, Johann (†1610) 34LutheranTheology, Strassburg (1568-1578); Theology, Strassburg (1578-1610)de | ADB | VGT
Paracelsus (†1541) 162n/aen
Paravicini, Vincenz (†1678) 2Reformedde
Paravicinus, Vincentius (†1726) 2Reformed
Pardies, Ignace-Gaston (†1673) 27n/a
Paré, Ambroise (†1590) 38Reformed, Roman Catholic 
Pareus, David (†1622) 272ReformedTheology, Heidelberg (1598-1622)en de | Bayle | NDB
Pareus, Johann P. (†1648) 21Reformedde | ADB | Bayle
Parker, Benjamin (†1747) 3Anglican
Parker, Henry (†1652) 9n/a
Parker, Matthew (†1575) 12Anglican, Reformeden
Parker, Robert (†1614) 7Puritan, Reformeden
Parker, Samuel, Jr (†1730) 5Anglicanen
Parker, Samuel, Sr (†1688) 34Anglicanen
Parker, Thomas (†1677) 1Reformeden
Parkes, Richard0Anglican
Parkhurst, Ferdinando (fl.1660-) 1n/a
Parkhurst, John (†1797) 1n/a
Parkhurst, Nathaniel (†1707) 1n/a
Parr, Elnathan (†1622) 2ReformedDNB1
Parr (Queen, consort of Henry VIII), Catharine (†1548) 0n/a
Parra, Jacinto de la, O.P. (†1684) 5Roman CatholicScholasticon
Parry, William (†1819) 1n/a
Pascal, Blaise (†1662) 196Roman Catholicen
Pasch, Georg (†1707) 5Lutherande
Pasor, Georg (†1637) 53ReformedTheology, Herborn (1607-1626); Philosophy, Franeker (1626-1637)de | ADB
Pasor, Matthias (†1658) 21Reformed
Pasqual, Raymundus, O.P. (†1593) 2Roman CatholicQuetif
Pasqualigo, Zaccaria, S.J. (†1664) 16Roman Catholic
Pasquier, Etienne (†1615) 24Roman Catholic
Passerini, Pietro M., O.P. (†1677) 30Roman Catholic
Pastor, Adam (fl.1533-1560) 1Anabaptist
Pastorius, Melchior A. (†1702) 5Lutheran
Pataki, István (†1693) 0Reformedhu
Patient, Thomas (†1666) 0Baptist, Puritan
Patin, Charles (†1693) 1Roman Catholic
Patricius, Franciscus (†1597) 12n/a
Patrick, Simon (†1707) 114Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, Latitudinarianen
Patten, Thomas (†1790) 4Anglican
Pauli, Adrian (†1684) 8ReformedTheology, Hamm (1661-1674)
Pauli, Adrian (†1611) 0ReformedADB | VGT
Pauli, Adrian (†1622) 1n/a
Pauli, Christian (†1696) 1Reformed
Pauli, Georg J. (†1795) 2Reformed
Pauli, Georg (†1650) 1ReformedTheology, HeidelbergADB | EMLO
Pauli, Reinhold (†1682) 6ReformedTheology, Steinfurt (1666-1670); Theology, Marburg (1674-1682)Zedler
Pauli, Simon (†1591) 23LutheranTheology, Rostock (1560-1591)ADB
Paulinus Gothus, Laurentius (†1579) 0Lutherande
Paulus, Hermann0n/a
Pavonstett, Johann0n/a
Payne, John (fl.1597-) 0n/a
Payne, John (fl.1763-) 1n/a
Payne, John (†1647) 0n/a
Payne, William (†1696) 3Anglican
Pázmány, Péter (†1637) 19Roman Catholicen
Peacham, Henry (†1634) 1n/a
Peacham, Henry (†c.1643) 1n/a
Pearce, Zachary (†1774) 20Anglican
Pearson, John (†1686) 63AnglicanTheology, Cambridge (1661-1673)DNB1
Pecock, Reginald (†1460) 8n/a
Peden, Alexander (†1686) 2Reformed
Peenius, Adam0n/a
Peenius, Daniel (†1680) 0Reformed
Pegge, Samuel, Jr (†1800) 5n/a
Pegge, Samuel, Sr (†1796) 7n/a
Pegorier, César (fl.1666-c.1728) 5Reformed
Peier, Rochus, S.J. (†1665) 0Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Dillingen (1639-1642); Theology, Dillingen (1650-1658)
Peiffers, Wilhelm (†1779) 3Reformed
Peirce, James (†1726) 38Reformeden
Peithmann, Anton (†1649) 2LutheranPhilosophy, Rinteln (1623-1649)
Pelagius (†c.420) 3n/a
Pelargus, Christoph (†1633) 70Lutheran, ReformedPhilosophy, Frankfurt (1586-1591); Theology, Frankfurt (1591-1633)de | ADB
Pelargus, Gottlieb (†1672) 4ReformedPhilosophy, Frankfurt (1632-?); Theology, Frankfurt (1642-1672)de | Zedler
Pelecyus, Johannes, S.J. (†1623) 42Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Dillingen (1573-1576)
Pelletier, Thomas (†1628) 11Roman Catholic
Pellicot, Jehan (fl.1574-) 1Roman Catholic
Pellikan, Konrad (†1556) 71ReformedTheology, Zürich (1526-1556)en de | HLS | VGT
Pelling, Edward (†1718) 14Anglican
Pelloutier, Simon (†1757) 6Reformed
Pelt, Johannes (†1642) 1Reformed
Pelt, Theodoor van, S.J. (†1584) 3Roman CatholicADB
Pemberton, Henry (†1771) 7n/a
Pemberton, Ebenezer (†1777) 3Reformed
Pemberton, Ebenezer (†1717) 0Reformed
Pemble, William (†1623) 13Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Peñafiel, Alonso de, S.J. (†1657) 5Roman Catholices | Scholasticon
Pendlebury, Henry (†1695) 5Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Penington, Isaac (†1679) 16Quaker
Penington, John (†1710) 1Quaker
Penn, William (†1718) 62Quakeren
Pennington, Robert (†1640) 0n/a
Penotto, Gabriele, C.R.S.A. (†1639) 4Roman Catholic
Penry, John (†1593) 14Puritan
Pepin, Guillaume, O.P. (†1533) 33Roman Catholic
Pepys, Samuel (†1703) 6n/aen
Perazzo, Giovanni B., O.P. (†1705) 2Roman Catholic
Percelli, Maximilian (†1703) 3Reformed
Percin, Joannes J., O.P. (fl.1693-) 1Roman Catholic
Perealdus, Eleazar (fl.1588-) 0Reformed
Pererius, Benedictus, S.J. (†1610) 156Roman Catholicen | CE | Scholasticon
Pérès, Antoine (†1686) 0ReformedTheology, Montauban (1681-1685)
Pereyra, Martinio (fl.1714-) 1Roman CatholicTheology, Coimbra
Perez, Franciscus, O.P. (†1690) 1Roman CatholicQuetif | Scholasticon
Perez, Jeronimo, O.Merc.1Roman Catholic
Pérez de Ayala, Martin (†1566) 6Roman Catholic
Pérez de Pineda, Juan (†1567) 15Reformed, Roman Catholic
Perion, Joachim (†1559) 26n/a
Perius, Johann, O.F.M. (fl.1586-) 1Roman Catholic
Perizonius, Anton (†1672) 3ReformedTheology, Hamm (1656-1661); Philosophy, Deventer (1661-1672)ADB | NNBW
Perkins, Benjamin1Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Perkins, William (†1602) 310Puritan, ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1584-1594)en | DNB1 | DNB2 | Scholasticon
Perlin, Juan, S.J. (†1638) 4Roman CatholicScholasticon
Perne, Andrew (†1654) 0Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Pernot, Jean, S.J. (fl.1587-1593) 6Roman Catholic
Perottus, Nicolaus (†1480) 61Roman Catholic
Perrault, Claude (†1688) 2n/a
Perrault, François (†1657) 10Reformed
Perrault, Nicholas (†1661) 2n/a
Perrin, Jean P. (fl.1603-1626) 11Reformed
Perrone, Giovanni, S.J. (†1876) 13Roman Catholic
Perrot, Charles (†1608) 0ReformedTheology, Geneva (1598-1608)Haag1
Persons, Robert, S.J. (†1610) 45Roman Catholicen
Peryn, William, O.P. (†1558) 0Roman Catholicen
Pesantius, Alexander (fl.1606-1617) 5Roman Catholic
Pesarovius, Paul P. (†1723) 11LutheranTheology, KönigsbergADB
Petavius, Dionysius, S.J. (†1652) 119Roman Catholicen fr
Peter of Bergamo, O.P. (†1482) 0n/a
Petermann, Andreas (†1703) 5Lutheran
Petersen, Johann W. (†1727) 93Lutheranen de
Petit, Pierre (†1687) 7n/a
Petit, Samuel (†1643) 19ReformedTheology, Nimes (1623-1643)Haag1
Petit-Pied, Nicolas (†1747) 2n/a
Petitdidier, Mathieu, O.S.B. (†1728) 17Roman Catholic
Petraeus, Heinrich (†1620) 3n/a
Petraeus, Heinrich (†1615) 13n/a
Petrarca, Francesco (†1374) 11n/a 
Petreius, Paul (†1611) 2LutheranTheology, Rostock (1604-1611)
Petrella, Bernardino (fl.1571-1595) 2Roman Catholic
Petri, Friedrich (†1617) 10Lutheran
Petri, Rudolphus (†1649) 6Reformed
Petrie, Alexander (†1662) 2Reformed
Petrus de Tarantasia, O.P. (†1276) 3n/a
Petrus de Trabibus, O.F.M. (fl.1300-) 0n/a
Petrus Hispanus (fl.1250-) 13n/aen en | CE
Petrus Johannes Olivi, O.F.M. (†1298) 2n/a
Petrus Thomae, O.F.M. (†1250) 1Roman Catholic
Petto, Samuel (†1711) 1Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1 | EMLO
Pettus, John (†1685) 1n/aDNB1
Petty, William (†1687) 4n/a
Peucer, Caspar (†1602) 75Lutheran, Reformeden de
Peutinger, Conrad (†1547) 7Lutheran
Peutinger, Ulrich (†1817) 2Roman Catholic
Pexenfelder, Michael, S.J. (†1680) 25Roman Catholic
Pey, Jean (†1797) 17Roman Catholic
Peyrère, Isaac la (†1676) 54Reformeden
Pezel, Christoph (†1604) 90Lutheran, ReformedNDB | Rotermund | SB
Pezel, Tobias (†1631) 2Reformed
Pezenius, Petrus (†1665) 0ReformedTheology, Herborn
Pfaff, Christoph M. (†1760) 258Lutheran
Pfaff, Johann C. (†1720) 35Lutherande
Pfanner, Tobias (†1716) 67LutheranZedler
Pfauser, Johann S. (†1569) 0Lutherande | VGT
Pfefferkorn, Johannes (†1523) 15Roman Catholic
Pfeffinger, Daniel (†1724) 6Lutheran
Pfeffinger, Johannes (†1573) 33LutheranTheology, Leipzig (1544-1573)en de | ADB | VGT
Pfeifer, Johann P. (†1695) 15Lutheran
Pfeiffer, August (†1698) 117LutheranPhilosophy, Wittenberg (1665-1671); Theology, Leipzig (1681-1684); Theology, Leipzig (1684-1689)de | ADB
Pfeiffer, Johann J. (†1791) 0ReformedTheology, Marburg (1779-1791)de | Strieder
Pflacher, Moses (†1589) 26LutheranZedler
Pfrüscher, Georg (†1653) 4n/a
Phelpes, Charles (fl.1670-1682) 0n/a
Philelphus, Franciscus (†1481) 76n/a
Philipot, Jacques (fl.1687-) 1Reformed
Philippe de la Trinité, O.C.D. (†1671) 24Roman Catholic
Philips, Dirk (†1568) 19Anabaptisten de | DBNL
Philips, Obbe (†1568) 0Anabaptist
Philo (†50) 0n/a
Philoponus, John (†570) 23n/a
Philpot, John (†1555) 1Anglican
Phrygio, Paulus C. (†1543) 6n/aTheology, Basel (1529-1535)VGT
Piccart, Michael (†1620) 26LutheranPhilosophy, Altdorf (1599-?); Philosophy, Altdorf (1613-1620)ADB
Piccinardi, Serafino, O.P. (†1695) 5Roman CatholicMetaphysics, Padua (1669-1679); Theology, Padua (1681-1689)Quetif
Piccolomini, Francesco (†1604) 26Roman Catholic
Pichsel, Sebastian (†1582) 2LutheranPhilosophy, Heidelberg (1580-1582)NDB
Pickering, Theophilus (†1747) 1Puritan, Reformed
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (†1494) 75n/a
Pictet, Bénédict (†1724) 155ReformedTheology, Geneva (1686-1724)en fr | HLS
Pictor, Georg (†1569) 6n/a
Pier, Sebastian, O.P.1Roman Catholic
Pierce, Edward (†1694) 1Puritan, Reformeden
Pierce, Thomas (†1691) 6Anglican, Arminian-RemonstrantPresident of Magdalen College, Oxford (1661-1672)en
Pierius, Urban (†1616) 17LutheranPhilosophy, Frankfurt (1572-1577); Theology, Frankfurt (1577-1578); Theology, Wittenberg (1590-1591)de pl | ADB | Rotermund | VGT
Pierpont, James (†1714) 0Reformeden
Pierre de Saint-Joseph, O.Cist. (†1662) 13Roman Catholic
Pierson, Abraham (†1678) 0Reformed
Pierson, Thomas (†1633) 0Reformed
Pigafetta, Filippo (†1604) 24Roman Catholic 
Piggott, John (†1713) 2Baptist
Pighius, Albertus (†1542) 36Roman Catholicen it
Pike, Samuel (†1773) 12n/aen
Piker, Johann (†1693) 1LutheranADB
Pilan, James (fl.1660-1680) 0n/a
Pilkington, James (†1576) 10ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1559-1561)en | DNB1
Pilkington, Leonard (†1599) 0ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1561-1562)en
Pincier, Johannes, Jr (†1624) 10ReformedPhilosophy, Herborn (1584-1619); Physics, Marburg (1619-1624)ADB
Pincier, Johannes, Sr (†1591) 6ReformedADB
Pinck, Robert (†1647) 0Anglican
Pindar, William (†1678) 1Anglican
Pineda, Alonso de (fl.1564-1576) 1Roman Catholic
Pineda, Juan d., S.J. (†1637) 1Roman Catholic
Pinelli, Luca, S.J. (†1607) 62Roman CatholicTheology, Ingolstadt (1575-1577); Theology, Pont-à-Mousson (1577-1580)it
Pinke, William (†1629) 0Puritan, ReformedFellow, Magdalen College, Oxford
Pinto, Hector (†1584) 37Roman CatholicTheology, Coimbra (1576-?)Scholasticon
Piny, Alexander, O.P. (†1709) 5Roman CatholicScholasticon
Pipping, Heinrich (†1722) 24Lutherande | ADB
Pirckheimer, Willibald (†1530) 9Lutheranen
Pirie, Alexander (†1804) 10Reformed
Piscara Castaldo, Andrea (†1629) 1Roman Catholic
Piscator, Johann (†1625) 239Lutheran, ReformedTheology, Strassburg (1573-1574); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1574-1575); Theology, Neustadt an der Haardt (1578-1582); Theology, Herborn (1584-1625)en de | ADB | BBKL
Piscator, Petrus (†1611) 23LutheranPhilosophy, Jena (1597-1605); Theology, Jena (1605-1611)Zedler
Piscator, Philipp L. (†1656) 3n/a
Pistorius, Johann, Jr (†1608) 13Lutheran, Roman Catholic
Pistorius, Johann, Sr (†1583) 0Lutheran
Pitcairn, Archibald (†1713) 13n/a
Pitcairne, Alexander (†1695) 0ReformedDNB2
Pithois, Claude (†1676) 8ReformedPhilosophy, Sedan (1633-1675)Haag1
Pitigiani, Francesco, O.F.M. (†1616) 8n/a
Pitigianis, Franciscus de, O.F.M. (fl.1620-) 0Roman Catholic
Pitiscus, Bartholomaeus (†1613) 27Reformeden de | ADB | VGT
Pitt, Moses (fl.1654-1696) 2Anglican
Pittis, Thomas (†1687) 1n/a
Pizzamano, Antonio, O.P. (†1512) 0n/a
Placcius, Vincent (†1699) 16LutheranADB
Place, Conyers (†1738) 3n/a
Place, Josué de la (†1655) 24ReformedPhilosophy, Saumur (1621-1625); Theology, Saumur (1631-1655)
Place, Pierre de la (†1572) 26Reformeden fr | Haag1
Placius, George0ReformedNNBW
Plaifere, John2Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant
Plaix, César de (†1641) 1Reformed
Plancius, Petrus (†1622) 7Reformed
Planck, Gottlieb (†1833) 7n/a
Plante, Franciscus (†1690) 3Reformed
Plantier, Jacques (fl.1723-1745) 6Reformed
Platel, Jacques , S.J. (†1681) 20Roman Catholic
Plato (†c.348) 18n/a
Platts, John (fl.1716-1719) 1Anglican
Platz, Konrad W. (†1596) 14LutheranVGT
Playfere, Thomas (†1609) 7ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1596-1609)DNB1
Plemp, Vopiscus F. (†1671) 8n/a
Plevier, Johannes (†1762) 7Reformed
Pley, Coelestinus, O.S.B. (†1710) 8Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Salzburg; Theology, Salzburg
Plitt, Johann J. (†1773) 5LutheranTheology, Rinteln (1755-1761)ADB
Plotinus (†270) 2n/aen
Pluche, Noël A. (†1761) 29n/a
Plutarch (†120) 1n/a
Poach, Andreas (†1585) 5Lutheranen de
Pociej, Hipacy (†1613) 0Eastern Orthodoxen pl
Pococke, Edward (†1691) 12Anglican, Reformed
Poelenburg, Arnoldus (†1666) 0Arminian-RemonstrantTheology, Amsterdam (1659-1666)
Poiret, Pierre (†1719) 66Reformeden nl | ADB
Poisson, Nicolas-Joseph (†1710) 1n/a
Polanus von Polansdorf, Amandus (†1610) 237ReformedTheology, Basel (1596-1610)en cs | ADB | VGT
Pole, Reginald (†1558) 58Roman Catholic
Polemann, Erdwin H. (†1733) 1LutheranADB | Rotermund
Polhill, Edward (†c.1694) 10Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Polich, Martin (†1513) 10n/a
Polier, Georges, I (†1700) 0ReformedPhilosophy, Lausanne (1671-1673); Theology, Lausanne (1680-1700)
Polier, Georges, II (†1759) 12ReformedPhilosophy, Lausanne (1702-1703); Theology, Lausanne (1703-1759)HLS
Polier, Jean P. (†1673) 7ReformedHLS
Polier, Jean-Antoine-Noé (†1783) 3ReformedHLS
Polish Brethren4Socinian-Unitarian
Polisius, Melchior (†1671) 5n/a
Politianus, Angelus (†1494) 31n/a
Pollionus, Lucas (†1598) 4LutheranADB | VGT
Pollock, Robert (†1759) 0ReformedTheology, Aberdeen (1745-?)
Polman, Joannes (†1657) 1Roman Catholic
Polo, Marco (†1324) 8n/a
Polwhele, Theophilus (†1689) 0Puritan
Polyander, Johannes (†1646) 53ReformedTheology, Leiden (1611-1646)en | ADB
Polz, Christian F. (†1782) 10LutheranPhilosophy, Jena (1759-1777); Theology, Jena (1777-1782)
Pomarius, Samuel (†1683) 11LutheranPhilosophy, Wittenberg (1649-1653); Theology, Wittenberg (1673-1675)
Pomponazzi, Pietro (†1525) 23n/aen it | CE
Ponet, John (†1556) 7Reformeden
Poniatowska, Krystyna (†1644) 1n/a
Pontano, Giovanni G. (†1503) 6n/a
Pontanus, Henricus (†1714) 18ReformedTheology, Utrecht (1700-1714)de | NNBW
Pontanus, Jacob, S.J. (†1626) 0Roman Catholic
Pontanus, Johann I. (†1639) 29n/a
Pontanus, Ludovicus (†1439) 1n/a
Pontisella, Johannes, Jr (†1622) 2Reformedde
Pontius, Basil (†1629) 0Roman Catholic
Pontoppidan, Erik (†1764) 44Lutheranen de | NBL
Poole, Matthew (†1679) 105Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Pooly, Christopher (†1653) 1n/a
Poppius, Eduard (†1624) 38Arminian-Remonstrantnl | NNBW
Popple, William (†1708) 4Socinian-Unitarianen
Pordage, John (†1681) 9n/a
Porphyry (†305) 0n/a
Porrée, Jonas (†c.1669) 5n/a
Porsan, Antoine, S.J. (fl.1599-) 1Roman Catholic
Porson, Richard (†1808) 0Anglican
Porta, Conrad (†1585) 17Lutheran
Porta, Giambattista della (†1615) 38n/a
Porter, Edmund (†1670) 1Reformed
Porter, Francis, O.F.M. (fl.1650-1702) 7Roman Catholic
Portus, Aemilius (†1614) 92LutheranPhilosophy, Lausanne (1581-1592); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1596-1609)ADB
Portus, François (fl.1561-1582) 0Reformed
Pósaházi, János (†1686) 2Reformedhu
Posewitz, Johann H. (†c.1695) 6LutheranScholasticon
Posnaniensis, Petrus, O.F.M. (†1658) 6Roman CatholicScholasticon
Posner, Caspar (†1700) 12Lutheran
Posner, Johann C. (†1718) 11n/a
Possevino, Antonio, S.J. (†1611) 109Roman Catholicen fr | Scholasticon
Postel, Guillaume (†1581) 89n/a
Posthius, Konrad (†1669) 0ReformedTheology, Herborn (1663-1669)
Postlethwaite, Walter (†1671) 0Puritan
Potho Prumiensis (†1170) 1n/a
Pothuysen, Splint van0n/a
Potier, Michael (†1631) 19n/a
Potter, Christopher (†1646) 1Arminian-Remonstrant
Potter, Edward (†1715) 1AnglicanFellow, Emanuel College, Cambridge
Potter, John (†1747) 9AnglicanTheology, Oxford (1707-1737)
Poudroyen, Cornelis (†1662) 1Reformed
Poujade, Joseph (fl.1615-1647) 1ReformedHaag1 | Rotermund
Poullain, Vallerand (†1560) 3Reformed
Poupo, Pierre (†c.1591) 1Reformed
Pourchot, Edmond (†1734) 13Roman CatholicScholasticon
Powell, Gabriel (†1611) 4Reformeden
Powell, Vavasor (†1670) 0n/a
Power, Henry (†1668) 0n/aen | DNB1
Poyntz, Robert (†1568) 1Roman Catholic
Praetorius, Anton (†1613) 3Reformeden de
Praetorius, Johannes (†1616) 0n/a
Praetorius, Michael (†1621) 13Lutheranen de
Praetorius, Stephan (†1603) 16Lutheranen de
Prágai, András (†1636) 0Reformed
Prat, Daniel (†1723) 1Anglican
Pratensis, Felix (†1539) 1Roman Catholic
Prateolus, Gabriel (†1588) 22Roman Catholic
Prätorius, Abdias (†1573) 24LutheranPhilosophy, Frankfurt (1557-1563); Philosophy, Wittenberg (1571-1573)ADB | VGT
Prätorius, Matthäus (†1704) 6Lutheran, Roman Catholicen de | ADB
Pregitzer, Johann U. (†1656) 8LutheranTheology, Tübingen (1620-1656)
Preston, John (†1628) 48Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Prévost, Jean le, S.J. (†1634) 4Roman CatholicScholasticon
Pribenius, Sylvester (†1627) 0LutheranPhilosophy, Rinteln (1621-1624)
Price, Richard (†1791) 39Socinian-Unitarian
Price, William (†1666) 0Reformed
Prick, Nicolaus (†1692) 2Reformed
Prideaux, Humphrey (†1724) 42Anglicanen
Prideaux, John (†1650) 16ReformedTheology, Oxford (1615-1642)en
Pries, Joachim H., Jr (†1796) 0LutheranTheology, Rostock (1779-1796)
Priestley, Joseph (†1804) 205Socinian-Unitarianen
Prime, John (†1596) 0Reformed
Primrose, David (†c.1665) 4Reformed
Primrose, Gilbert (†1642) 9Reformeden
Prince, Thomas (†1758) 10Puritan, Reformed
Probus, Anton (†1613) 16LutheranZedler
Proclus (†485) 1n/a
Proeleus, Immanuel (fl.1692-1709) 12Lutheran
Prokopovič, Feofan E. (†1736) 9n/aen
Prosper of Aquitaine, Saint (†c.463) 46n/a
Prost, Pierre (fl.1640-) 1Roman Catholic
Prou, Ludovicus (fl.1665-) 1n/a
Prückner, Andreas24Lutheran
Pruckner, Nicolaus (†1557) 4Lutheran, Roman CatholicAstronomy, Tübingen (1553-1557)
Prudentius (†413) 1n/a
Prudom, Robert (fl.1704-) 1n/a
Prynne, William (†1669) 59Reformeden | DNB1
Przipcovius, Samuel (†1670) 15Socinian-Unitarian
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (fl.500-) 31n/aen
Pucci, Francesco (†1597) 3Roman Catholicen it
Puente, Luis de la, S.J. (†1624) 147Roman Catholic
Puerari, Daniel (†1692) 2ReformedPhilosophy, Geneva (1650-1692)HLS
Pufendorf, Samuel (†1694) 172LutheranLaw, Heidelberg (1661-1668); Law, Lund (1668-1688)en de | NDB
Pugh, Robert (†1679) 0Roman Catholic
Puller, Timothy (†1693) 3Anglican
Punch, John, O.F.M. Obs. (†1672) 38Roman Catholicen de | Scholasticon
Pungler, Ambraham (†1727) 0ReformedTheology, Herborn (1703-1727)
Puppius, Robertus (†1619) 1Reformed
Purcell, Henry (†1695) 2n/a
Puteanus, Erycius (†1646) 3n/a
Puteanus, Johannes, O.E.S.A. (†1623) 4Roman CatholicScholasticon
Pye, Samuel (†1772) 1n/a
Pyle, Thomas (†1756) 12Anglicanen
Pynchon, William (†1662) 4Reformed
Pythius, Joannes (fl.1654-1656) 3Reformed

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