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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | D'Apples, Jean-François (†1772) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1734-1772) | | d'Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry (†1789) | 49 | n/a | | | D'Huisseau, Isaac (†1672) | 19 | Reformed | Rector, Saumur (1630-1670) | | da Costa, Uriel (†1640) | 4 | Jewish | |  | Dachs, Fridericus B. (fl.1715-) | 4 | Reformed | | | Daggett, Naphtali (†1780) | 0 | Reformed | | en | Daillé, Jean (†1670) | 328 | Reformed | | en fr | EMLO | Haag2 | Dalby, Christoph (fl.1612-) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dale, Antonius van (†1708) | 47 | Anabaptist | | | Dalechamp, Caleb (fl.1622-1624) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dalgliesh, William (†1807) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dalham, Florian (†1795) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Dalrymple, John (†1810) | 5 | n/a | | | Dalrymple, James (†1695) | 11 | n/a | | | Dalrymple, William (†1814) | 8 | Reformed | | | Dalrymple, William (fl.1774-1782) | 8 | n/a | | | Damascene, John (†749) | 15 | n/a | | | Damman, Sebastiaan (†1640) | 8 | Reformed | | ADB | Dana, James (†1812) | 6 | n/a | | | Daneau, Lambert (†1595) | 327 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1572-1581); Theology, Leiden (1581-1582); Theology, Ghent (1582-1583); Theology, Orthez (1583-1591) | en | EMLO | Haag2 | HLS | Scholasticon | Danforth, Samuel (†1674) | 9 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Daniel, Gabriel (†1728) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | en | Danner, Albert, S.J. | 22 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen | | Dannhauer, Johann C. (†1666) | 367 | Lutheran | | en de | NDB | Danov, Ernst J. (†1782) | 2 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1768-1782) | ADB | Danson, Thomas (†1694) | 1 | Reformed | | | Danvers, Henry (†1687) | 1 | Baptist | | en | Danz, Johann A. (†1727) | 105 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1685-1710); Theology, Jena (1710-1727) | de | ADB | Zedler | Darjes, Joachim G. (†1791) | 84 | Lutheran | | | Darmanson, Jean (fl.1684-) | 3 | n/a | | | Darrell, William (†1721) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Dassovius, Theodor (†1721) | 116 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1676-1699); Theology, Kiel (1699-1714) | de | ADB | EMLO | Dasypodius, Petrus (†1559) | 14 | Reformed | | | Dathe, Johann A. (†1791) | 10 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1762-1791) | de | ADB | Dathenus, Petrus (†1588) | 37 | Reformed | | en nl | DBNL | EMLO | NDB | Daubuz, Charles (fl.1619-1648) | 1 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Daubuz, Charles (†1717) | 3 | Anglican | | en | DNB2 | Daubuz, Sébastien (†1675) | 0 | Reformed | | | Davel, Pierre (†1680) | 6 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1662-1671); Theology, Lausanne (1671-1679) | HLS | Davenant, John (†1641) | 40 | Anglican, Reformed | Theology, Cambridge (1609-1623) | en | DNB1 | EMLO | Davenport, John (†1670) | 1 | Reformed | | en | Dávid, Ferenc (†1579) | 8 | Socinian-Unitarian | | en | Davies, John (†1626) | 4 | Anglican | | | Davies, John (†1618) | 0 | Anglican | | | Davies, John (†1693) | 0 | n/a | | | Davis, Richard (†1714) | 0 | Baptist | | | Davis, William (fl.1730-1743) | 1 | n/a | | | Dawson, George (†1700) | 2 | Anglican | | | Day, William (†1684) | 0 | Anglican | | | de Baïf, Jean Antoine (†1589) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | en | de Bay, Jacques (†1614) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | de Bellovisu, Armandus, O.P. (fl.1326-1334) | 25 | n/a | | | de Berquin, Louis (†1529) | 0 | n/a | | | De Bouck, Engelbertus F. | 0 | Reformed | | | de Boulainvilliers, Henri (†1722) | 22 | n/a | | | de Breen, Daniel (†1664) | 0 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | De Brissac, Jacques (†1667) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Saumur (1626-1628) | | de Bruine, Johannes (†1722) | 4 | Reformed | | DBNL | De Bryas, Charles, O.C.D. (†1686) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | de Coignac, Joachim (†1580) | 1 | Reformed | |  | de Covarrubias, Diego (†1577) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | de Glarges, Gilles (†1641) | 2 | Reformed | | | de Hooghe, Romeyn (†1708) | 36 | n/a | | | de L'Estocart, Paschal (†1587) | 2 | Reformed | | fr | de La Boétie, Étienne (†1563) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | de la Bruyère, Jean (†1696) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | De la Cerda, Gundisalvus (fl.1560-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | de Leviori Campo, Reginaldus (fl.1559-) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | de Luc, Jean A. (†1817) | 67 | Reformed | | | de Luca, Giovanni B. (†1683) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | De Moor, Bernhard (†1780) | 65 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1744-1745); Theology, Leiden (1745-1780) | NNBW | de Nobili, Roberto, S.J. (†1656) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | de Prez, Jacques F. (fl.1672-1685) | 0 | Reformed | | | de Quiroga, Emmanuel P., O.F.M. (fl.1721-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | De Ronde, Lambertus (†1795) | 1 | Reformed | | | De Sales, François (†1622) | 133 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | CE | de Villalón, Cristóbal (†c.1588) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | de Volney, Constantin-François de Chassebœuf (†1820) | 25 | n/a | | | De Vrigny, Jacques P. (fl.1692-1707) | 6 | n/a | | | de Vry, Frederick (†1646) | 7 | Reformed | | | Deacon, Thomas (†1753) | 2 | Anglican | | DNB1 | Decker, Conrad (†1620) | 6 | Reformed | | | Décoré, Godefroi (†1761) | 1 | n/a | | | Dedeken, Georg (†1628) | 22 | Lutheran | | | Dedekind, Friedrich (fl.1670-) | 1 | n/a | | | Dedekind, Friedrich, Jr (†1624) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Dedekind, Friedrich, Sr (†1598) | 22 | Lutheran | | en de | ADB | Dee, Arthur (†1651) | 4 | n/a | | en | Dee, John (†c.1608) | 10 | n/a | | | Defoe, Daniel (†1731) | 10 | n/a | | | Deichman, Bartholomæus (†1731) | 0 | Lutheran | | DBL | NBL | Delaune, Thomas (†1685) | 3 | Baptist | | | Delaune, William (†1728) | 1 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Delgadillo, Cristóbal, O.F.M. (fl.1660-) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Dell, William (†1669) | 24 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Delmé, Philippé (†1653) | 0 | Reformed | | | Delon, Timothée (†1653) | 3 | Reformed | Theology, Montauban (1625-1653) | Haag2 | DelRio, Martin A., S.J. (†1608) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Demler, Josef (†1659) | 0 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen | | Democritus (†c.370) | 4 | n/a | | Bayle | Dempster, Thomas (†1625) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | den Heussen, Frans E. (†1679) | 5 | Reformed | | | Denck, Hans (†1527) | 6 | Anabaptist | | | Denis the Carthusian (†1471) | 209 | n/a | | | Denison, John (†1629) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB1 | Denison, Stephen (†1649) | 1 | Reformed | | | Denisse, Nicolas, O.F.M. (†1509) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Denne, Henry (†c.1660) | 5 | Anabaptist | | | Denne, John (†1767) | 17 | Anglican | | | Denne, John (fl.1673-) | 1 | n/a | | | Dens, Pierre (†1775) | 52 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Dent, Arthur (†1607) | 18 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Dentiere, Marie (†1561) | 0 | Reformed | |  | Denyssen, Dionysius (†1712) | 0 | Reformed | | | Denzler, Hans J. (†1705) | 0 | n/a | | | Derham, William (†1735) | 41 | Anglican | | | Dering, Edward (†1576) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Derodon, David (†1664) | 48 | Reformed | Philosophy, Die (1634-1639); Philosophy, Nimes (1654-1663) | en fr | Haag2 | Scholasticon | Des Bordes, Jacques (fl.1562-1576) | 0 | n/a | Arts, Geneva (1562-1563) | | Des Champs, Jean (†1767) | 2 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Des Gallars, Nicolas (†1581) | 10 | Reformed | Theology, Orthez (1579-1579) | | Des Masures, Louis (†1574) | 19 | Reformed | | | des Périers, Bonaventure (†1544) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | en | Des Roches, Catherine (†1587) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Des Roches, Madeleine (†1587) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Des Voeux, Antoine V. (†1792) | 3 | Reformed | | | Desbillons, François J. (†1789) | 30 | n/a | | | Descartes, René (†1650) | 306 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | DBNL | EMLO | Scholasticon | Desgabets, Robert (†1678) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Desing, Anselm (†1773) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Désiré, Artus (†1579) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Desmaizeaux, Pierre (†1745) | 16 | Reformed | | | Desmay, Jacques (fl.1618-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Despagne, Jean (†1659) | 8 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Deucer, Johann (fl.1625-) | 19 | Lutheran | | | Deun, Johann, S.J. (fl.1591-1592) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Deurhoff, Willem (†1717) | 1 | n/a | | | Deusing, Anton (†1666) | 34 | Reformed | | | Deusing, Hermann (†1722) | 0 | Reformed | | | Deutsch, Friedrich (†1709) | 1 | Lutheran | | ADB | Deutschmann, Johann (†1706) | 374 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1662-1706) | en de | NDB | Dévay Biró, Mátyás (†1547) | 2 | Reformed | | | Dewsbury, William (†1688) | 1 | Quaker | | | Deyling, Salomon (†1755) | 66 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1721-1755) | de | ADB | SB | Diana, Antoninus (†1663) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Dick, John (†1684) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dick, John (†1833) | 4 | Reformed | | | Dickhaut, Jackob (†1616) | 2 | Reformed | | | Dickinson, Edmund (†1707) | 30 | Anglican | | en | DNB1 | Dickinson, Jonathan (†1747) | 20 | Reformed | | en | Dickinson, Moses (†1778) | 3 | Reformed | | | Dickinson, William (†1642) | 0 | Anglican | | | Dickson, Alexander (fl.1656-1683) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Edinburgh (1656-1679) | | Dickson, David (†1662) | 35 | Reformed | Theology, Glasgow (1640-1650); Theology, Edinburgh (1650-1662) | en | Didacus à Sancto Antonio, O.C.D. (fl.1745-1748) | 0 | n/a | | | Diderot, Denis (†1784) | 60 | n/a | | | Diest, Heinrich von (†1673) | 25 | Reformed | Theology, Harderwijk (1627-1639) | ADB | Diest, Samuel van (†1694) | 4 | Reformed | Theology, Duisburg (1657-1664); Philosophy, Duisburg (1658-1664); Theology, Harderwijk (1664-1681) | NNBW | Dietelmair, Johann A. (†1785) | 29 | Lutheran | | | Dietenberger, Johann (†1537) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Dieterich, Conrad (†1639) | 49 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Giessen (1605-1614) | NDB | Dieterich, Martin (†1749) | 4 | Lutheran | Theology, Frankfurt | | Dieterici, Wilhelm (†1690) | 0 | Reformed | | | Dietrich, Veit (†1549) | 213 | Lutheran | | en de | VGT | Dieu, Lodewijk de (†1642) | 28 | Reformed | | | NNBW | Difenbach, Martin (†1709) | 5 | Lutheran | | | Digby, Everard (†1592) | 7 | Anglican | | | Digby, Kenelm (†1665) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | en | DNB2 | Digges, Thomas (†1595) | 5 | n/a | | | Dilherr, Johannes M. (†1669) | 241 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1631-1634); Philosophy, Jena (1634-1640); Theology, Jena (1640-1642) | de | NDB | Diller, Michael (†1570) | 0 | Lutheran, Reformed | | NDB | Dillingham, Francis (†1625) | 1 | Reformed | | en | Dillingham, William (†1689) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dinant, Petrus (†1724) | 5 | Reformed | | NNBW | Dinet, Jacob, S.J. (†1653) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Dingley, Robert (†1660) | 0 | n/a | | | Diodati, Giovanni (†1649) | 71 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1597-1606); Theology, Geneva (1599-1645) | it en | HLS | Diogenes Laertius (fl.222-235) | 24 | n/a | | | Dionysius Cato | 28 | n/a | | | Diószegi, István (†1698) | 0 | Reformed | | | Dippel, Johann C. (†1734) | 12 | n/a | | | Dittelbach, Petrus (fl.1676-) | 2 | Reformed | | | Ditton, Humphry (†1715) | 1 | Anglican | | | Dixon, Robert (†1688) | 0 | n/a | | | Dobel, Daniel (†1782) | 1 | Anglican | | | Döbel, Johannes (†1610) | 1 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1569-1573); Theology, Jena (1605-1610); Philosophy, Helmstedt | | Dod, John (†1645) | 13 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB2 | Dodd, Charles (†1743) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Dodd, William (†1777) | 7 | Anglican | | | Doddridge, Philip (†1751) | 194 | Reformed | Theology, Daventry (1723-1751) | DNB2 | Döderlein, Christian A. (†1789) | 18 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1758-1760); Theology, Bützow (1760-1789) | de | ADB | Dodwell, Henry (†1711) | 46 | Anglican | | en | DNB2 | Dodwell, Henry (†1784) | 2 | n/a | | | Dodwell, William (†1785) | 11 | n/a | | | Doederlein, Johann C. (†1792) | 42 | Lutheran | | | Dola, Ludovicus a, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1634-) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Dolet, Étienne (†1546) | 0 | n/a | | | Dolle, Karl A. (†1758) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Domingo de Santo Tomás, O.P. (†1570) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Dominicus de Flandria, O.P. (†1500) | 22 | n/a | | | Dominicus Gundissalinus (fl.1150-) | 4 | n/a | | | Donaldson, Walter (†1630) | 8 | Reformed | | | Donat, Christian (†1694) | 79 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg | Zedler | Dongen, Cornelis v. (†1636) | 5 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Donne, John, Jr (†1662) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB1 | Donne, John, Sr (†1631) | 20 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Donteclock, Reginaldus (†1611) | 45 | n/a | | NNBW | Doolittle, Thomas (†1707) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Doré, Pierre, O.P. (†1559) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Doreslaer, Abraham à (†1655) | 1 | Reformed | | NNBW | Dorman, Thomas (†c.1577) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | DNB2 | Dorn, Gerhard (fl.1568-) | 20 | n/a | | | Dorn, Johann C. (†1752) | 1 | n/a | | | Dornau, Caspar (†1632) | 36 | n/a | | | Dornfeld, Johann (†1720) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Dorpius, Martinus (†1525) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Dorsche, Johann G. (†1659) | 170 | Lutheran | Theology, Strassburg (1627-1653); Theology, Rostock (1654-1659) | NDB | Doucher, Johannes (†1629) | 2 | Reformed | | NNBW | Doughtie, John (†1672) | 5 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Douglas, Alexander (fl.1681-1692) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Edinburgh (1681-1692) | | Douglas, Thomas (fl.1661-) | 2 | n/a | | | Douglas, William (fl.1643-1666) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Aberdeen (1643-1666) | | Dove, John (†1618) | 5 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Dove, John (†1772) | 17 | n/a | | | Dow, Christopher (fl.1636-1637) | 1 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Downame, George (†1634) | 35 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Downame, John (†1652) | 6 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | EMLO | Downe, John (†1631) | 0 | n/a | | | Downes, Theophilus (†1726) | 2 | Anglican | | | Downing, Calybute (†1644) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Drabicius, Nicolaus (†1671) | 1 | n/a | | | Drabitius, Laurentius (†1602) | 15 | Lutheran | | | Draconites, Johannes (†1566) | 134 | Lutheran | Theology, Marburg (1534-1547); Theology, Rostock (1551-1560) | de | NDB | VGT | Drake, James (†1707) | 3 | n/a | | | Drake, Roger (†1669) | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Draud, Georg (†1635) | 17 | n/a | | | Draxe, Thomas (†1618) | 10 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Drebbel, Cornelis J. (†1633) | 15 | n/a | | | Dreier, Christian, Jr (†1691) | 10 | Lutheran | Theology, Königsberg (1686-1691) | | Dreier, Christian, Sr (†1688) | 11 | Lutheran | Theology, Königsberg (1644-1688) | de | BBKL | NDB | Scholasticon | Drelincourt, Charles, Jr (†1697) | 23 | n/a | | | Drelincourt, Charles, Sr (†1669) | 198 | Reformed | | en fr | Bayle | Haag1 | Dresing, Bernhard (†1690) | 1 | Lutheran | Theology, Giessen | | Dresser, Matthaeus (†1607) | 41 | n/a | Jena (1574-?) | | Drexel, Jeremias, S.J. (†1638) | 235 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Drieberge, Johannes (†1746) | 8 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Driedo, Johannes (†1535) | 19 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | | Drielenburch, Vincent van | 20 | Reformed | | | Driessen, Antonius (†1748) | 114 | Reformed | Theology, Groningen (1714-1748) | DBNL | Druet, Jehan (†1683) | 2 | Reformed | | | Drusius, Joannes (†1616) | 158 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1585-1616) | en nl | ADB | DBNL | Drysdale, William (fl.1798-) | 0 | n/a | | | Du Ban, Franciscus (†1643) | 2 | Reformed | | | du Bartas, Guillaume d. (†1590) | 77 | Reformed | | en | Du Bois, Gualtherus | 0 | Reformed | | | du Bois, Jacobus C. (†1661) | 1 | Reformed | | | Du Bosc, Jean (†1562) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Bosc, Pierre (†1692) | 45 | Reformed | | | Du Boulay, César E. (†1678) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Bourdieu, Isaac (†1700) | 4 | Reformed | | en | Du Breul, Jacques, O.S.B. (†1614) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Chesne, Joseph (†1609) | 24 | n/a | | | Du Faur, Guy (†1584) | 45 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | du Fresnoy, Nicolas L. (†1755) | 19 | n/a | | | Du Hamel, Jean (†1705) | 0 | n/a | | | Du Hamel, Jean-Baptiste (†1706) | 122 | Roman Catholic | | en | Du Marsais, César C. (†1756) | 1 | n/a | | | Du Mesnil, Baptiste (fl.1564-) | 1 | n/a | | | Du Moulin, Charles (†1566) | 13 | Reformed | | en | Du Moulin, Cyrus (†1699) | 3 | Reformed | | | Du Moulin, Louis (†1680) | 31 | Reformed | Arts, Oxford (1648-1660) | Haag2 | Du Moulin, Pierre (†1658) | 368 | Reformed | Theology, Sedan (1621-1658) | en fr | ADB | Haag2 | Du Moulin, Pierre, Jr (†1684) | 13 | Reformed | | | Du Pan, Abraham (†1665) | 2 | Reformed | | HLS | Du Pan, Jean (†1684) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Geneva (1631-1650) | | Du Perron, Jacques D. (†1618) | 112 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Pin, Louis E. (†1719) | 94 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Paris | en fr | Du Pinet, Antoine (†1584) | 11 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Du Plessis d'Argentré, Charles (†1749) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Rosier, Hughes (fl.1566-) | 3 | Reformed | | | Du Roure, Jacques (fl.1654-1665) | 3 | n/a | | | du Teil, Isaac | 0 | Reformed | | | Du Tillet, Jean (†1570) | 37 | n/a | | en fr | Du Trieu, Philippe, S.J. (†1645) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Vair, Guillaume (†1621) | 38 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Vaucel, Louis-Paul (†1715) | 9 | n/a | | | Dubbels, Pieter | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Dubois, Jacques | 5 | n/a | | | Dubrit, Isaac (†1742) | 1 | Reformed | | | Duconides, Fredericus (†1707) | 0 | Reformed | | | Dudgeon, William (†1743) | 1 | n/a | | | Dudgeon, William (fl.1765-) | 1 | n/a | | | Dudith, Andras (†1589) | 10 | Reformed, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | | en | ADB | Duifhuis, Huibert (†1581) | 0 | Reformed | | | Duijkerius, Johannes (†1702) | 2 | n/a | | DBNL | Duising, Bernhard (†1735) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Marburg (1706-1735) | Strieder | Duising, Heinrich (†1691) | 3 | Reformed | Philosophy, Marburg (1656-1661); Philosophy, Marburg (1661-1670); Theology, Marburg (1670-1691) | ADB | Duising, Johann (†1730) | 1 | Reformed | | | Duke, Francis (fl.1642-1660) | 0 | n/a | | | Duker, Gisbert W. (†1736) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dulaurens, Franciscus (fl.1663-) | 2 | n/a | | | Dulignon, Pierre (†1681) | 2 | Reformed | | | Dumont, Gabriel (†1748) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dunbar, David (fl.1646-) | 0 | n/a | | | Duncan, Marc (†1640) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Saumur (1606-1640) | Haag2 | Duncan, William (†1636) | 0 | Reformed | Law, Montauban (1606-1629); Philosophy, Montauban (1629-1636) | Haag2 | Duncan, William (†1760) | 19 | n/a | Philosophy, Aberdeen (1752-1760) | | Duncanus, Martinus (†1590) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | nl | DBNL | Dungersheim, Hieronymus (†1540) | 36 | Roman Catholic | | en de | ADB | Duns Scotus (†1308) | 184 | n/a | | | Dunte, Ludwig (†1639) | 6 | Lutheran | | | Dupasquier, Sébastien, O.F.M. Conv. (†c.1718) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Dupleix, Scipion (†1661) | 57 | Roman Catholic | | | Scholasticon | Duran, Abraham (†1653) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Sedan (1640-1653) | | Durand, Barthélemy, O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Durand, Barthélemy, O.F.M. | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Durand, David (†1763) | 15 | Reformed | | en fr | EMLO | Durand, Jean (†1695) | 1 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Durand, Nicolas (†1571) | 66 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Bayle | Durandus of St. Pourçain (†1296) | 34 | n/a | | en | Durant, John (†1689) | 1 | Reformed | | | Durant, Samuel (†1626) | 13 | Reformed | | Haag2 | Durel, John (†1683) | 6 | Anglican, Reformed | | DNB1 | EMLO | Durell, David (†1775) | 2 | Anglican | Vice-Chancellor, Oxford (1765-1768) | en | Durham, James (†1658) | 40 | Reformed | | DNB1 | Durie, John, S.J. (†1587) | 4 | Roman Catholic | |  | DuRondel, Jacques (†1715) | 1 | Reformed | | | Dürr, Johann C. (†1677) | 57 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Altdorf (1654-?); Theology, Altdorf (1657-?) | ADB | Dury, John (†1680) | 23 | Reformed | | en de | HLS | Dutch Reformed Church of America | 8 | Reformed | | | Dutton, Anne (†1765) | 9 | Baptist | | | Dutton, Thomas (fl.1795-) | 1 | n/a | | | Dutton, Thomas | 1 | n/a | | | Duval, André (†1638) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean (†1643) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Duysing, Heinrich O. (†1781) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Marburg (1744-1750); Theology, Marburg (1750-1781) | Strieder | Dwight, Timothy (†1817) | 5 | Reformed | | | Dwinglo, Bernardus (†1660) | 13 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Dyche, Thomas (†c.1722) | 8 | n/a | | | Dyke, Daniel (†1614) | 52 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Dyke, Jeremiah (†1639) | 8 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Dysbeius | 0 | n/a | | |
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