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« Heinrich Bünting (1545-1606)
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John Bunyan (1628-1688)
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Primary Sources (70 titles, 97 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Results 81-87
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The work of Jesus Christ, as an advocate, clearly explained, and largely improved, for the benefit of all believers
London, 1688GB 
London, 1725GB 
6th ed. / John Marshall, 1725GB 
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, 4th ed., vol. 5 (Sands, Murray, and Cochran, 1769)
The Works of that Eminent Servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan: The holy war. The desire of the righteous granted. The saint's privilege and profit. Christ a compleat saviour. The saints knowledge of Christ's love. A discourse of the house of the forest of Lebanon. Of Anti-christ and his ruin ... (W. Johnston, 1768)
The Works: Being Several Discourses upon Various divine subjects, vol. 2 (Gardner, 1737)
Das Zarteste Hertz Der Liebe Christi, Allen Sündern eröffnet und gezeiget : Erstlich durch eine Trostreiche Erklährung der Worte Christi Joh. VI. v. 37. Hernach in einer offenhertzigen ... Erzehlung Von des Autoris eigener Erfahrung .../ Jn Englischer Sprache beschrieben Durch Johannes Bunian, Lehrer in bedford, Und nun aus derselben ins Hochteutsche übersetzet (Hamburg : Libernickel, 1701)
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