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Richard Allestree (c.1621-1681)
TraditionAnglicanReferenceen | EMLOAcademic TitleRegius Prof. of Divinity, Oxford (1663-1679)
Primary Sources (65 titles, 98 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Results 61-80
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La pratique des vertus chretiennes, ou Tous les devoirs de l'homme. Avec les devotions particulieres, pour diverses occasions ordinaires & extraordinaires. Traduit de l'anglois (Marc-Mich. Bousquet & Comp., 1745)
La Pratique Des Vertus Chretiennes, Ou Tous Les Devoirs Des Hommes : Avec quelques Dévotions particulières ... ; Traduite De L'Anglois (Saumur : Pean, 1671)
La Pratique Des Vertus Chretiennes, Ou Tous Les Devoirs Des Hommes: Avec quelques Dévotions particulières ... ; Traduite De L'Anglois (Pean, 1671)
La pratique des vertus chretiennes, ou, Tous les devoirs des hommes: avec les devotions particulieres, pour diverses occasions ordinaires & extraordinaires. Traduit de l'Anglois (Delft : Reinier Boitet, 1723)
Private devotions for several occasions, ordinary and extraordinary: (London : T. Garthwait, at the little North Door of St. Pauls Church, 1660)
Scala sancta: or The exaltation of the soul. Being a train of pious thoughts, compleating the whole duty of man: or, Devotions compiled by R.A. Gent. in his solitudes. (London : T. Snowden, for Gabr. Kunholt, and are to be sold at his shop at the post-office over against the Muse, at the sign of the King's-Head, 1678)
A sermon preach'd before the King, Decemb. 31, 1665, at Christ-Church in Oxford by R. Allestree ... (Oxford : W. Hall for James Allestree and Richard Davis ..., 1666)
A sermon preached at Hampton-court on the 29th of May, 1662 being the anniversary of His Sacred Majesty's most happy return (London : J. Flesher for John Martin, James Allestry, and Thomas Dicas ..., 1662)
A sermon preached before the King at White Hall on Sunday Nov. 17, 1667 by Richard Allestree ... (London : J. Flesher, for James Allestree ..., 1667)
A sermon preached before the King at White-hall, October the 12th 1662 by Richard Allestrey ... (London : Tho. Roycroft for John Martin, and James Allestrey ..., 1663)
A sermon preached in St. Peter's Westminster on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1660 at the consecration of the Right Reverend Fathers in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Bristoll, Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich, Nicholas, Lord Bishop of Hereford, William, Lord Bishop of Glocester by Richard Allestry ... (London : Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, and Tho. Dicas ..., 1660)
The vanity of the creature (London : John Kidgell .., 1684)
The vanity of the creature by the author of The whole duty of man, &c. ; together with a letter prefix'd, sent to the bookseller, relating to the author. (London : John Kidgell ..., 1684)
The whole duty of divine meditation described in all its various parts and branches : with meditations on several places of scripture (London : John Back ..., 1694)
The whole duty of man (Morton and Pawlet, 1704)
The Whole Duty of Man
London : J. Eyres, W. and J. Mount, and T. Page, 1748GB 
London : J. G. & F. Rivington, 1832GB 
London : John Eyre, 1749GB 
London : Roger Norton, 1719GB 
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1841GB 
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