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« Martin Gerbert (1720-1793)
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Daniel Gerdes (1698-1765)
TraditionReformedReferenceen | STCN | DBNL
Academic TitleProf. of Theology, Duisburg (1726-1735) | Prof. of Theology, Groningen (1736-1765) | Prof. of Church History, Groningen (1752-1765)
Primary Sources (45 titles, 122 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (122) | Edited (4) | Related (5)
Results 61-80
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Introductio in historiam evangelii seculo XVI: passim per Europam renovati docrinaeque reformatae (Groningae & Bremae : H. Spandaw)
Vol. 4 (1752)
Introductio In Historiam Evangelii Seculo XVI: Passim Per Europam Renovati Doctrinaeque Reformatae. Accedunt Varia Quibus Ipsa Historia Illustratur, Monumenta Pietatis Atque Rei Literariae ut plurimum ex mss. eruta, vol. 1 (Spandaw, 1744)
Isagoge Et Exegesis In Caput. XV. Epistolae Prioris Ad Corinthios (Groningae : Rump Spandaw, 1759)
Meletemata Sacra, Sive, Isagoge Et Exegesis In Caput. XV. Epistolae Prioris Ad Corinthios (Groningae & Bremae : H. Spandaw, 1759)
Vol. 1, Part 1-2 (1732) [Fasciculus I & II. Misc. works from various Reformed authors]
Vol. 1, Part 3-4 (1732) [Fasciculus III & IV. Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Vol. 2, Part 1-2 (1734) [Fasciculus I & II. Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Vol. 2, Part 3-4 (1735) [Fasciculus III & IV. Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Miscellanea Groningana in Miscellaneorum Duisburgensium continuationem publicata (Amstelodami et Duisburgi : Adr. Wor & J. G. Böttiger)
Vol. 1, Part 1 (1736) [Misc. works from various Reformed authors]
Vol. 1, Part 1-4 (1736) [Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Vol. 1, Part 3 (1737) [Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Groningae : H. Spandaw
Vol. 2, Part 1-4 (1739) [Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
Vol. 2, Part 3-4 (1739) [Misc. works from various Reformed authors] GB 
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