Share:  Opera (10) | Theology (87) | | The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come | | 31th ed. / Nottingham, 1792 | GB |  |   |
59th ed. / London : J. Osborne and T. Griffin, 1785 | IA |  |   |
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come delivered under the similitude of a dream, wherein is discovered the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey, and safe arrival at the desired countrey ( London : Nath. Ponder, 1678) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come, abridg'd by J. Wesley, 5th ed., ed. John Wesley ( Bristol, 1766) | GB |  |   |
The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come, Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein is Discovered: I. the Manner of His Setting Out, II. His Dangerous Journey; and III. His Safe Arrival at the Desired Country, 32th ed. (J. and F. Rivington, B. Law, W. Strahan, Hawes and Company, H. Woodfall, E. Johnston, and R. Baldwin, 1771) | GB |  |   |
Questions about the nature and perpetunity of the seventh-day Sabbath and proof that the first day of the week is the true Christian-sabbath ( London : Nath. Ponder ..., 1685) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Reprobation asserted, or, The doctrine of eternal election & reprobation promiscuously handled in eleven chapters wherein the most material objections made by the opposers of this doctrine are fully answered, several doubts removed, and sundry cases of conscience resolved ( London : G.L., 1674) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse ( London : J. Blare, 1700) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Seasonable counsel, or, Advice to sufferers by John Bunyan. ( London : Benjamin Alsop ..., 1684) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul discovering from the 16th of Luke the lamentable state of the damned : and may fitly serve as a warning-word to sinners, both old and young, by faith in Jesus Christ, to avoid the same place of torment : with a discovery of the usefulness of the Scriptures as our safe conduct for avoiding the torments of hell ( London : F. Smith ..., 1666) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd or Gospel- light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem, to let us more easily into the glory of New-Testament-truths | | Edinburgh : A. Brown; and A. Megget, 1786 | GB |  |   |
10th ed. / London, 1762 | GB |  |   |
Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd, or, Gospel-light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem, to let us more easily into the glory of New-Testament-truths by John Bunyan. ( London : and sold by George Larkin ..., 1688) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Some gospel-truths opened according to the Scriptures, or, The divine and humane nature of Christ Jesus, his coming into the world, his righteousness, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second comming to judgment, plainly demonstrated and proved and also answers to severall questions, with profitable directions to stand fast in the doctrine of Jesus the son of Mary, against those blustring storms of the Devils temptations, which do at this day, like so many scorpions, break loose from the bottomless pit, to bite and torment those that have not tasted the vertue of Jesus by the revelation of the spirit of God ( London : J. Wright the younger ..., 1656) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A treatise of the fear of God shewing what it is, and how distinguished from that what is not so : also whence it comes, who has it, what are the effects, and what the priviledges of those that have it in their hearts ( London : N. Ponder ..., 1679) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A true and impartial narrative of some illegal and arbitrary proceedings by certain justices of the peace and others, against several innocent and peaceable nonconformists in and near the town of Bedford, upon pretence of putting in execution the late Act against conventicles together with a brief account of the late sudden and strange death of the Grand Informer, and one of the most violent malicious prosecutors against these poor people. ( London, 1670) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Voyage d'un Chrestien vers l'eternité. Nouvellement trad ( Amsterdam, 1685) | GB |  |   |
Le Voyage Du Chrétien Vers L'Éternité. Où l'on voit représentés, sous diverses Images ingénieuses, les divers états, les progrès, & l'heureuse fin d'une Ame Chrétienne, qui cherche Dieu / Par Jean Bunian, Ministre du Saint Evangeli. Traduit de l'Anglois ( Halle : Maison Des Orphelins, 1752) | ULBH |  |   |
Worinnen unter artigen Sinn-Bildern fortgesetzet wird, Wie des Christen Weib und Kinder die gefährliche Reise auch angetreten, und das erwünschte Land vergnügt erreichet haben, vol. 2 ( Hamburg : Fickweiler, 1718) | ULBH | |   |
Worinnen unter artigen Sinn-Bildern fortgesetzet wird, Wie Des Christen Weib und Kinder die gefährliche Reise auch angetreten, und das erwünschte Land vergnügt erreichet haben / Vormahls durch Johann Bunian. Jn Englischer Sprache beschrieben, Nun aber in die Hochteutsche übersetzet Von M. Christoph. Matth. Seideln, Past. und Probsten zu Berlin, vol. 2 ( Hamburg : Fickweiler, 1718) | ULBH |  |   |