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« John Owen (c.1560-1622)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Owen (1616-1683)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | STCN | DNB1Academic TitleVice-Chancellor, Oxford (1652-1660)
Primary Sources (224 titles, 430 vols.) | Secondary Sources (5) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (164) | Theology (266) | Related (11)
Results 241-260
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Two Discourses concerning the Holy Spirit and his Work. The one of the Spirit as a Comforter. The other, as He is the Author of Spiritual Gifts. [Edited by N. Mather.] (1693)
Two Discourses concerning the Holy Spirit and his Work. The one of the Spirit as a Comforter. The other, as He is the Author of Spiritual Gifts. Edited by N. Mather (W. Miller, 1792)
Two discourses concerning the Holy Spirit, and His work the one, Of the Spirit as a comforter, the other, As He is the author of spiritual gifts ... (London : William Marshall ..., 1693)
Eene uitlegginge van den Sendbrief van Paulus den Apostel aan de Hebreen, vol. 1 (Nikolaas Topyn, 1733)
Eene uitlegginge van den sendbrief van Paulus den apostel aen de Hebreen, trans. Simon Commenicq (N. Topyn [bookseller])
Vol. 1 (1738)
Vol. 2 (1738) GB 
Verhandeling aangaande den Heiligen Geest (Nicolaas en Paulus Topyn, 1746)
Verhandeling van de heerlijkheid van Christus, in Zijn persoon, bedieningen en genade: benevens het onderscheid tusschen geloof en gezigt, dienstig tot gebruik der geloovigen, met toepassingen van al die bedenkingen ... (Telenga, 1854)
Verhandelinge van de heerlykheid van Christus: in zyn persoon, bedieningen en genade : nevens het onderscheid tusschen geloove, en gesichte ..., 2nd ed. (Samuel de Waal, boekverkoper op 't Oudkerkhof, 1768)
Verklaring van den 130sten Psalm, waar in de natuur van de vergevinge der zonden opengelegt, derzelver waarheit bevestigd; ... (1763)
A View of the Corrupt Principles of Socinianism, designed as an introduction to Dr. J. Owen on Divine Justice, and his answer to Biddle. With a preface, by ... W. Huntington. Second edition. [Edited by J. Eedes.] (1826)
A view of the nature, order, and communion of the churches of Christ as exhibited in the New Testament : extracted from Dr. John Owen's treatise on evangelical churches .. (Edinburgh : Thomas Maccliesh and Co., 1797)
A vindication of some passages in a discourse concerning communion with God from the exceptions of William Sherlock, rector of St. George Buttolph-Lane (London : N. Ponder ..., 1674)
A vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat lux wherein the principles of the Roman church, as to moderation, unity and truth are examined and sundry important controversies concerning the rule of faith, papal supremacy, the mass, images, &c. discussed (London : Ph. Stephens ..., and George Sawbridge ..., 1664)
A Vindication of the animadversions on Fiat Lux. Wherein the principles of the Roman Church, as to moderation, unity and truth are examined and sundry important controversies ... discussed. (London, 1664)
Vindiciae evangelicae, or, The mystery of the Gospel vindicated, and Socinianisme examined : in the consideration, and confutation of a catechisme, called A Scripture catechisme, written by J. Biddle, and the catechisme of Valentinus Smalcius, commonly called the Racovian catechisme. With the vindication of the testimonies of Scripture ... from the perverse expositions and interpretations of them, by Hugo Grotius in his Annotations on the Bible .. (Oxford : Leon. Lichfield, for Tho. Robinson, 1655)
Vindiciæ Evangelicæ: Or, The Mystery of the Gospell Vindicated, and Socinianisme Examined, in the Consideration, and Confutation of a Catechisme, Called a Scripture Catechisme, Written by J. Biddle, M. A., and the Catechisme of Valentinus Smalcius, Commonly Called the Racovian Catechisme. With ... (Oxford : Leon. Lichfield, 1655)
A vision of vnchangeable free mercy, in sending the means of grace to undeserved sinners ... In a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, April 29. being the day of publike humiliation. Whereunto is annexed, A short defensative about church-government ... toleration and petitions about these things (London : G.M. for P. Stephens, 1646)
A vision of vnchangeable free mercy, in sending the means of grace to undeserved sinners:: wherein Gods uncontrollable eternall purpose, in sending, and continuing the gospel unto this nation, in the middest of oppositions and contingencies, is discovered: his distinguishing mercy, in this great work, exalted, asserted, against opposers, repiners: in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, April. 29. being the day of publike humiliation. Whereunto is annexed, a short defensative about church-government, (with a countrey essay for the practice of church-government there) toleration and petitions about these things. (London : G.M. for Philemon Stephens at the signe of the Gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1646)
Θεολογουμενα παντοδαπα, sive de natura, ortu, progressu et studio verae Theologiae libri sex: quibus etiam origines & processus veri & falsi cultus religiosi, casus & instaurationes ecclesiae illustriores ab ipsis rerum primordiis enarrantur. (Franequerae : Leonardus Strickius, 1700)
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