Share: Opera (20) | Theology (122) | Philosophy (35) | Arts (1) | Other (6) |
D. Isaac Watts Auserlesene Reden von heylsamer Führung des Lebens, und nutzbarer Anwendung des Todes, sowohl überhaupt, als auch aller Arten desselben : über 1. Cor. 3. 22. Es sey Leben oder Tod - - Alles ist euer ; aus dem Englischen übersetzet, und mit einer Abhandlung von dem in der heutigen Welt herrschenden verschiedenen Geschmack an Predigten ( Gotha : Mevius, 1745) | GDZ | | |
D. Isaac Watts Englisch Grammatik, oder Die Kunst Englisch zu lesen und zu schreiben : Darinnen die vornehmsten Grundsäze und Regeln die Engflische Sprache recht auszusprechen, sowol in gebundener als ungebundener Schreibart, mit ausführlichen Unterricht vom richtigen Buchstabiren gegeben werden ( Bremen : Rump, 1752) | ULBH | | |
D. Isaac Watts Zukünftige Welt, oder Reden von der Freude und dem Elende abgeschiedener Selen auch der Herlichkeit und dem Schrecken der Auferstehung : nebst vorläufigem Versuch eines Beweises vom abgeschiedenen Zustande der Selen nach dem Tode ( Halle : Bierwirth, 1749) | GDZ | | |
| GB | | |
The doctrine of the passions explained and improved, 4th ed. ( 1751) | GB | | |
Dr. Watts's historical catechisms (The catechism of Scripture names for little children, The historical catechism for children and youth), with alterations. [Followed by] A catalogue of remarkable Scripture names. By J. Priestley, 3rd ed., ed. Joseph Priestley ( 1792) | GB | | |
An essay against uncharitableness: Wherein the secret springs of that vice are traced, and the mischeivous [sic] effects of it briefly survey'd. Written to expose that most unchristian iniquity of censures, revilings and church-anathemas, on the account of doubtful disputables in Christianity.. (R. Tookey, for J. Lawrence at the Angel in the Poultrey., 1707) | GB | | |
An essay on the freedom of will in God and in creatures : and on various subjects connected therewith ( London : J. Roberts near the Oxford Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1732) | IA | | |
Evangelical Discourses on Several Subjects ( Gotha : Mevius, 1749) | BSB | | |
Evangelical discourses on several subjects : to which is added, An essay on the powers and contests of flesh and spirit ( London : C. Dilly, 1791) | IA | | |
Faith and practice : represented in fifty-four sermons on the principal heads of the Christian religion : preached at Berry-street, 1733 ( London : John Oswald, 1739) | IA | | |
Faith and practice represented in fifty-four sermons on the principal heads of the Christian religion: preached at Berry-Street, 1733, vol. 1 (W. Coke, Leith, 1792) | GB | | |
The first sett of catechisms and prayers: or, the religion of little children under seven or eight years of age. Collected out of the larger books of prayers and catechisms ... By I. Watts, Part 4 (W. Darling, for W. Gray, and J. Dickson, 1779) | GB | | |
The glory of Christ as God-man display'd, in 3 discourses. With an appendix ( 1746) | GB | | |
Horæ lyricæ: Poems chiefly of the lyric kind, in three books. Sacred I. To devotion and piety. II. To virtue, honour and friendship. III. To the memory of the dead. By I. Watts (John Clark and Richard Hett, 1727) | GB | | |
An Humble attempt towards the revival of practical religion among Christians : by a serious address to ministers and people, in some several discourses ( London : James Brackstone, 1742) | IA | | |
Humility represented in the character of St. Paul: The chief springs of it opened, and its various advantages display'd; together with some occasional views of the contrary vice.. (R. Ford ... and R. Hett, 1737) | GB | | |
Hymns and spiritual songs : in three books ( New York : Samuel Parker, 1760) | IA | | |
Hymns and spiritual songs: In three books. ... By I. Watts, Part 4 (W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Buckland, G. Keith, L. Hawes W. Clarke & B. Collins [and 3 others in London], 1773) | GB | | |
Johann Watts, Predigers zu Stoke-Newington in EngellandTod und Himmel, oder Der besiegte letzte Feind, und Die Geister der vollendeten Gerechten ( Halle : Waysenhaus, 1727) | SLUB | | |