Share: | | De Vera Obedientia, oratio. Vna Cvm Praefatione Edmvndi Boneri Archidiaconi Leycestrensis ... In Qva Etiam Ostenditvr caussam controuersiae quae inter ipsam sereniss. Regiam Maiestatem & Episcopũ Romanum existit, longe aliter ac diuersius se habere, [que] hactenus à vulgo putatum sit. | | Hamburg : Rhode, Franz, 1536 | SBB | | |
Strassburg, 1536 | BSB | | |
A declaration of suche true articles as George Ioye hath gone about to confute as false. ( London : [In Aldersgate strete by Iohannes Herforde, at the costes and charges of Robert Toye, dwellyng in Paules church yarde at the sygne of the Bell], 1546) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A detection of the Deuils sophistrie wherwith he robbeth the vnlearned people, of the true byleef, in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter. ( London : [In Aldersgate strete, by Ihon̄ Herforde, at the costes & charges of Roberte Toye, dwellynge in Paules churche yarde, at the sygne of the Bell], 1546) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Exetasis Testimoniorvm, Qvae Martinus Bucerus ex Sanctis Patribus, non sancte edidit, vt patrocinetur opinioni de caelibatus dono, quam sine dono spiritus, contra Ecclesiam defendit orthodoxam | | Waen, 1554 | GB | | |
Lovanii, 1554 | BSB | | |
An explicatio[n] and assertion of the true Catholique fayth, touchyng the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter with confutacion of a booke written agaynst the same ( Rouen : [R. Caly], 1551) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Marci Antonii Constantii Confutatio cavillationum, quibus sacrosanctum eucharistiae sacramentum ab impiis Capernaitis impeti solet ( Parisii, 1552) | BSB | | |
Memoirs of the life and martyrdom of John Bradford, with his examinations, letters, &c. arranged in chronological order. Together with a translation of Bishop Gardiner's book ( London : R. Fenn and T. Stevenson, 1832) / added author(s): John Bradford | IA | | |
Memoirs of the life and martyrdom of John Bradford: with his examinations, letters, &c. arranged in chronological order. Together with a translation of Bishop Gardiner's book (R. Fenn and T. Stevenson, 1832) / added author(s): John Bradford | GB | | |
Stephani Winton Confutatio cavillationum, quibus sacrosanctum eucharistiae sacramentum ab impiis Capharnaitis impeti solet ( Lovania, 1554) | BSB | | |
Theyr dedes in effecte my lyfe wolde haue Stephen Wynton. Your dedes in effecte that made your lyfe braue ( London, 1548) | EEBO-TCP | | |
De vera obedientia. An oration made in Latine, by the right Reuere[n]de father in God Stepha[n] bishop of Wi[n]chestre, now Lorde Chau[n]celour of Englande. With the preface of Edmonde Bonner ... touching true obedience, printed at Ha[m]burgh in Latine, in officina Fra[n]cisci Rhodi mense Ianuario, 1536. And now translated in to Englishe, and printed eftsones, in Rome, before ye castle of. S. Angel, at the signe of. S. Peter. In nouembre, anno do. M.D.Liij. ( Rome [i.e. Wesel?] : [J. Lambrecht? for Hugh Singleton], 1553) | EEBO-TCP | | |