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George Keith (c.1638-1716)
TraditionAnglican, QuakerReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesQuaker; later converted to Anglican
Primary Sources (102 titles, 104 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A Christian catechisme, for the instruction of youth, and others to whom it may be useful in the grounds of Christian religion, and practice of Christian piety wherein the twelve articles of the Christian creed, and the Godhead and manhood natures of Christ and his prophetical, priestly, and kingly office are briefly explained : and the true Christian doctrin, concerning Christ his being a sufficient saviour, as he is both God and man : and with respect to both the absolute necessity, and excellent consistencie of his outward coming in the flesh, and of his inward coming, and spiritual appearance in our hearts, through faith in him, and love and obedience to him, in order to our eternal salvation, declared and demonstrated by testimonies of Holy Scripture : and the divine excellency of the light within, in distinction from humane reason, asserted and vindicated : and the question concerning its sufficiency to salvation, truly stated and resolved : where also many other Gospel doctrins, (London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1698)
The Christian Quaker: or, George Keith's eyes opened. Good news from Pensilvania. Containing a testimony against that false and absurd opinion which some hold, viz. that all true believers and saints, immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness. And also, that the wicked, immediately after death, are raised up to receive all the punishment they are to expect. Together with a scriptural account of the resurrection of the dead, day of judgment, and Christ's last coming and appearance without us. Also, where, and what those Heavens are into which the man Christ is gone, and entred into. By George Keith. ([London] : in Pensilvania, and reprinted in London for Benjamin Keach, and are to be sold by him at his house near Horse-lie-down; and John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, 1693)
The deism of William Penn and his brethren destructive to the Christian religion, exposed and plainly laid open in the examination and refutation of his late reprinted book called, A discourse of the general rule of faith and practise and judge of controversie, wherein he contendeth that the Holy Scriptures are not the rule of faith and life, but that the light in the conscience of every man is that rule (London : Brab. Aylmer ..., 1699)
A discovery of the mystery of iniquity & hypocrisie acting and ruling in Hugh Derborough (Philadelphia : William Bradford, 1692)
Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church second part. In two treatises: the first being an answer to Jo. W. Bajer Doctor and Professor of Divinity, so called, at Jena in Germany, published first in Latine, and now in English. The second being an answer to George Hicks, stiled Doctor of Divinity, his sermon preached at Oxford, 1681. and printed with the title of, The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised; where this pretended exorcist is detected. Together, with some testimonies of truth, collected out of diverse ancient writers and fathers, so called. By G.K. (London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1685)
Dulcedo ex acerbis. Sound doctrine from the errors contained in Mr. Keith's Sermons and Apologies. The second edition. By a Member of the Church of England. O.D.M.T. (1700)
An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems (judged by some learned men, impracticable) concerning angular sections, beginning with the geometrical trisection of any right lined angle, by plain geometry of right lines and arches of circles, with rule and compass only, with out all conick sections, and cubick æquations. Whether the following praxis, and apparent demonstration thereof doth not only make it practicable, but easie to the understanding of a tiro, who but understands a little in true geometrical learning. Which layeth a foundation of a plain method how to sect any angle into any other number of parts required, even as 4. 6. 8. 10; or uneven, as 5. 7. 9. 11. &c. As also to divide a circle into any number even, or uneven of equal parts. All which have great uses in the improvement of the mathematical sciences, some of which are here specified. Proposed and submitted to the impartial tryal and examination of the right reason of such artises, to whose hands it ma (London : printed 1697. And to be sold by the author, at his house in Pudding-Lane, at the sign of he [sic] Golden-Ball, near the Monument; and by B. Aylmer at the Three Pigeons over against the Royal-Exchange, 1697)
An exact narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, the 11th of the month called June, 1696 together with the disputes and speeches there, between G. Keith and other Quakers, differing from him in some religious principles (London : B. Aylmer ..., and J. Dunton ..., 1696)
An exhortation & caution to Friends concerning buying or keeping of Negroes (New York : William Bradford, 1693)
A Friendly Epistle to the Reverend Clergy, and Nonconforming Divines, who greatly approve of my late Epistle to Mr. George Kieth against plunging, and for sprinkling in baptism ... By Trepidantium Malleus [i.e. Samuel Young]. MS. note (John Marshall, 1700)
The fundamental truths of Christianity briefly hinted at by way of question and answer : to which is added a treatise of prayer in the same method (London, 1688)
A further discovery of the spirit of falshood & persecution in Sam. Jennings, and his party that joyned with him in Pensilvania, and some abettors that cloak and defend him here in England in answer to his scandalous book, called, The state of the case. (London : R. Levis, 1694)
A Further Discovery of the Spirit of Falshood and Persecution in S. Jennings, and his party ... in Pensilvania; and some abettors ... in England in answer to his Scandalous Book, called The State of the Case (1694)
G. K.'s Fourth Narrative of his proceedings at Turners Hall. Divided into three parts: detecting the Quakers gross errors ... (in ... quotations) ... taken out of their books. ... To which is prefix'd the Attestation of five Ministers of the Church of England [Z. Isham, and others], to the truth ... (1700)
G. Keith's Complaint against the Quakers: or an Answer to the Quakers Complaint against G. K., etc (1700)
A general epistle to Friends by way of caution to take heed to the light, that they may be preserved from that lazy, idle spirit that veils the life. (Aberdeen? : [s.l.], 1671)
A General Epistle to Friends, by way of caution to take heed to the light; that they may be preserved from that lazy, idle spirit, that veils the life (1671)
George Keith's Complaint against the Quakers: or, An answer to the Quakers complaint against George Keith humbly presented to the clergy of the Church of England. (London : booksellers of London and Westminster, 1700)
George Keith's explications of divers passages contained in his former books as also his free and open retractations of sundry other passages contained in the same, which may at present suffice for a reply to the late, as well as former books of Tho. Elwood, and John Penington, published against me, in respect of the most material things. (London : B. Aylmer ..., and Rich. Baldwin ..., and are to be sold by the author ..., 1697)
George Keith's Fourth narrative of his proceedings at Turners-hall divided into three parts : detecting the Quakers gross errors, vile heresies, and antichristian principles, oppugning the fundamentals of Christianity, by clear and evident proofs (in above two hundred and fifty quotations) faithfully taken out of their books, and read at three several meetings, the 11th, the 18th, and 23d of Jan., 1699 before a great auditory of judicious persons, ministers, and others, more particularly discovering the fallacious and sophistical defences of George Whitehead, Joseph Wyeth, and seven Quakers of Colchester, in their late books on all the several heads contained in the printed advertisement : to which is prefix'd, the attestation of five ministers of the Church of England, to the truth of the said quotations, and a postcript [sic] (London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1700)
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