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« William Fulbecke (1560-1603)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
William Fulke (1538-1589)
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Primary Sources (36 titles, 54 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (50) | Philosophy (2)
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A defence of the sincere and true translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue: against the cavils of Gregory Martin, ed. Charles Henry Hartshorne (University press, 1843)
A defense of the sincere and true translations of the holie Scriptures into the English tong against the manifolde canils, of Gregorie Martin ... : Whereunto is added a briefe confutation of all such ... uttered ... against the writings of the saide William Fulke (London : Bishop, 1583)
A defense of the sincere and true translations of the holie Scriptures into the English tong against the manifolde cauils, friuolous quarels, and impudent slaunders of Gregorie Martin, one of the readers of popish diuinitie in the trayterous Seminarie of Rhemes. By William Fvlke D. in Diuinitie, and M. of Pembroke haule in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a briefe confutation of all such quarrels & cauils, as haue bene of late vttered by diuerse papistes in their English pamphlets, against the writings of the saide William Fvlke. (At London : Henrie Bynneman, 1583)
A defense of the sincere and trve translation of the Holy Scriptvres into the English tongve, against the manifold cavils, frivolous quarrels, and impudent slanders of Gregorie Martin (London, Printed by A. Mathewes : one of the assigns of H. Ogden, 1633)
A godly and learned sermon, preached before an honourable auditorie the 26. day of Februarie, 1580 [by W. Fulke.]. ([London] : H. Middleton for T. Man, 1580)
A godly and learned sermon, preached before an honourable auditorie the 26. day of Februarie. 1580. ([London] : ImHenrie Middleton for Thomas Man, 1580)
A goodly gallerye with a most pleasaunt prospect, into the garden of naturall contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kynde of meteors, as wel fyery and ayery, as watry and earthly, of whiche sort be # starres, shooting starres, flames in the ayrd #. Thöder, lightning, earthquakes ... (London : [William Griffith], 1563)
A goodly gallerye with a most pleasaunt prospect, into the garden of naturall contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kynde of meteors, as wel fyery and ayery, as watry and earthly, of whiche sort be blasing sterres, shooting starres, flames in the ayre &c. tho[n]der, lightning, earthquakes, &c. rayne dewe, snowe, cloudes, springes &c. stones, metalles, earthes &c. to the glory of God, and the profit of his creaturs. (Londini : [William Griffith], 1563)
Meteors, or, A plain description of all kind of meteors as well fiery and ayrie, as watry and earthy, briefly manifesting the causes of all blazing-stars, shooting stars, flames in the aire, thunder, lightning, earthquakes, rain, dew, snow, clouds, sprigs, stones, and metalls (London : William Leake, 1655)
Metromachia, sive ludus geometricus (London, 1578)
Metromachia: sive ludus geometricus (1578)
Prælections vpon the sacred and holy Reuelation of S. Iohn, written in latine by William Fulke Doctor of Diuinitie, and translated into English by George Gyffard. (London : Thomas Purfoote, at the signe of the Lucrece, 1573)
A reioynder to Bristows replie in defence of Allens scroll of articles and booke of purgatorie. Also the cauils of Nicholas Sander D. in Diuinitie about the supper of our Lord, and the apologie of the Church of England, touching the doctrine thereof, confuted by William Fulke, Doctor in Diuinitie, and master of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge. Seene and allowed. (At London : H. Middleton for George Bishop, 1581)
A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow. Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge. (London : Thomas Vautroullier for George Bishop, 1580)
A sermon preached at Hampton Court on Sonday being the 12. day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lord. 1570. VVherein is plainly proued Babylon to be Rome, both by Scriptures and doctors. Preached by VVilliam Fulke Bacheler of Diuinity, and fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge. (London : Iohn Awdely, 1571)
A sermon preached on Sundaye, being the .17. of March Anno. 1577. at S. Alpheges Church within Creplegate in London, by William Fulke doctor in diuinitie. Seene and allowed, accordyng to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions. (London : [By T. Dawson and T. Gardiner] for Lucas Harryson, 1577)
A sermon preached vpon Sunday, beeing the twelfth of March. Anno. 1581, within the Tower of London in the hearing of such obstinate Papistes as then were prisoners there: by William Fulke Doctor in Diuinitie, and M. of Penbroke Hall in Cambridge. (London : [At the three Cranes in the Vintree,] by Thomas Dawson, for George Bishop, 1581)
Stapleton,Martiall and Sanders (The Parker Society, 1848)
Stapleton's Fortress overthrown (Cambridge Univertity Press, 1848)
Stapleton's Fortress overthrown: A rejoinder to Martiall's Reply. A discovery of the dangerous rock of the popish church commended by Sanders, ed. Richard Gibbings (University Press, 1848)
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