Share: | | Chartophylax ecclesiasticus : quo propè M. D. scriptores ecclesiastici tam minores, qvam majores, tum catholoci, tum Haeretici, eorumq[ue] patria, ordo, secta munera, aetas & obitus ; editiones operum praestantiores ; opuscula, qvin & ipse fragmenta breviter indicantur ( Lipsiae : Günther, 1687) | BSB | | |
Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus : Quo Propè MD. Scriptore Ecclesiastici, tam Minores, quam Majores, tum Catholici, tum Haeretici, eorumq[ue] Patria, Ordo, Secta, Munera, Aetas & Obitus; Editiones operum praestantiores; Opuscula, quin & ipsa Fragmenta breviter indicantur. Scriptores dubii a certis, supposititii a genuinis, Non-Extantes a superstitibus distinguuntur. A Chr. Nato ad annum usq[ue] MDXVII. Accedunt Scriptores Gentiles Christianae Religionis oppugnatores; & brevis cujusvis Saeculi conspectus. Adjecto Ad calcem Indice Alphabetico-Chronologico ( Londini : Chiswell, 1685) | BSB | | |
Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus : Quo Prope MD. Scriptores Ecclesiastici, tam Minores, qvam Majores, tum Catholici, tum Haeretici, eorumq[ue] Patria, Ordo, Secta, Munera, Aetas & Obitus; Editiones operum praestantiores; Opuscula, qvin & ipsa Fragmenta breviter indicantur. Scriptores dubii a certis, supposititii a genuinis, Non-Extantes a superstitibus distinguuntur. A Chr. Nato ad annum usq[ue] MDXVII. Accedunt Scriptores Gentiles Christianae Religionis oppugnatores; & brevis cujus vis Saeculi conspectus. Adjecto Ad calcem Indice Alphabetico-Chronologico | | Lipsiae : Güntherus, 1687 | BSB | | |
Chartophylax ecclesiasticus, quo propre M. D. scriptores ecclesiastici... eorumque patria, ordo... editiones operum praestantiores... breviter indicantur. Scriptores dubii a certis, supposititii a genuinis, non extantes a superstitibus distinguuntur, a Ch (sumptibus M. Güntheri, 1687) | GB | | |
Chartophylax ecclesiasticus: quo propè M. D. scriptores ecclesiastici tam minores, qvam majores, tum catholoci, tum Haeretici, eorumq[ue] patria, ordo, secta munera, aetas & obitus ; editiones operum praestantiores ; opuscula, qvin & ipse fragmenta breviter indicantur (Günther, 1687) | GB | | |
Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus: Quo Prope MD. Scriptores Ecclesiastici, tam Minores, qvam Majores, tum Catholici, tum Haeretici, eorumq[ue] Patria, Ordo, Secta, Munera, Aetas & Obitus; Editiones operum praestantiores; Opuscula, qvin & ipsa Fragmenta breviter indicantur. Scriptores dubii a certis ... | | Güntherus, 1687 | GB | | |
A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles and the two evangelists, St. Mark and Luke ... : being a continuation of Christian antiquities ... also, a complete history of ... those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles ... to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the Christian church ( Philadelphia : Solomon Wiatt, 1810) | IA | | |
A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles and the two evangelists, St. Mark and Luke ...: being a continuation of Christian antiquities ... also, a complete history of ... those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles ... to ..., vol. 2 (Solomon Wiatt, 1810) | GB | | |
A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles, and the two evangelists, St. Mark and Luke : to which is added, an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church... Also, a complete history... of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles. Likewise, of the most eminent of the primitive fathers, for the first three hundred years. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the Christian church. - ( Philadelphia : S. Wiatt) | | | IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1810) | IA | | |
A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles, and the two evangelists, St. Mark and Luke: To which is added, an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, mosaical, and evangelical. Being a continuation of ..., vol. 1 (Solomon Wiatt, no. 104, North Second Street, 1810) | GB | | |
A discourse concerning the unity of the Catholick Church maintained in the Church of England | | London : B. Tooke ..., and F. Gardner ..., 1684 | EEBO-TCP | | |
London : B. Tooke, and F. Gardner, 1684 | GB | | |
A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs more particularly concerning the ancient power and jurisdiction of the bishops of Rome and the encroachments of that upon other sees, especially the See of Constantinople ( London : R. Chiswel ..., 1683) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Epistola apologetica adversus iniquas J. Clerici criminationes | | 1700 | GB | | |
London, 1700 | BSB | | |