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« William Watson (c.1559-1603)
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Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
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Primary Sources (128 titles, 184 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Useful and important questions concerning Jesus the son of God freely proposed: with a humble attempt to answer them according to Scripture. ... To which is added, a charitable essay ... (printed; and sold by J. Oswald; and J. Buckland, 1746)
Versuch eines Beweises, daß die Seele des Menschen nach der Trennung vom Leibe nicht schlafe; sondern sich bewußt sey, aus Gottes Wort und geistlichen Erfahrungen wahrer Christen geführet (Halle : Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1766)
The watchful Christian prepared for early death. A sermon on occasion of the decease of mrs. Sarah Abney (1732)
The works of the Rev. Isaac Watts D.D. in nine volumes ()
Vol. 1 (1812)
Vol. 4 (1813) GB 
Vol. 5 (1813) GB 
Vol. 6 (1813) GB 
Vol. 7 (1813) GB 
Vol. 8 (1813) GB 
Vol. 9 (1813) GB 
The world to come : or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of death, judgment and eternity : to which are added an essay on the separate state of souls and an appendix containing select poems (Dayton, [Ohio] : B. F. Ells, 1836)
The world to come : or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resurrection : to which is prefixed An essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death ..., vol. 1 (Mill-Hill, near Trenton : Daniel Fenton, 1811)
The world to come : or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resurrection. : To which is prefixed, an essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death. (Haverhill [Mass.]: : Burrill and Tileston, and sold at their bookstore., 1816)
The world to come, or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resurrection : to which is prefixed An essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death ..., vol. 1 (Mill-Hill, near Trenton : D. Fenton, 1811)
The world to come, or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resurrection: to which is prefixed An essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death ...
D. Fenton, 1811GB 
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