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Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
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Aids to devotion, in three parts: Including Watts's Guide to prayer, 2nd ed. (B. Perkins & Co., 1845)
Aids to devotion: in three parts, including Watts' Guide to Prayer, ed. Ensign Lincoln (Lincoln and Edmands, 1831)
An arrangement of the psalms, hymns & spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts...: To which is added a supplement, being a selection of more than three hundred hymns... Among which are all the hymns of Dr. Watts, adapted to public & private worship, not published in the common editions. With ..., 5th ed. (Lincoln & Edmands, 1821)
An arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs of Issac Watts: to which is added, a supplement : being a selection of more that three hundred hymns from the most approved authors, on a great variety of subjects, among which are all the hymns of Dr. Watts, adapted to public and private ..., 2nd ed. (Richardson & Lord, and Cummings & Hilliard, Cornhill, 1820)
An Arrangement of the Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. : including (what no other volume contains) all his hymns with which the vacancies in the first book were filled up in 1786, and also those in 1793 ... to which are subjoined indexes, very much enlarged, both of scriptures and of subjects (London : Sold by the Author, and at his Vestry [etc.], 1815)
An Arrangement of the Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. : including (what no other volume contains) all his hymns, with which the vacancies in the first book were filled up in 1786, and also in 1793 ... to which are subjoined indexes, very much enlarged, both of scriptures and of subjects (London : Sold at Dr. Rippon's Vestry [etc.], 1801)
An arrangement of the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of Isaac Watts, ed. James Manning Winchell
ed. James Manning Winchell (James Loring, and Lincoln & Edmands, 1832)GB 
An arrangement of the Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, ed. James Manning Winchell (Lincoln & Edmands, 1821)
An arrangement of the Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts : to which is added, a supplement of more than three hundred hymns from the best authors, including all the hymns of Dr. Watts, adapted to public worship
Boston : Gould and Lincoln, 1832IA 
Boston : James Loring, and Lincoln & Edmands, 1832IA 
An arrangement of the Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts : to which is added, a supplement, being a selection of more than three hundred hymns from the most approved authors, on a great variety of subjects ... with indexes, very much enlarged and improved, to facilitate the use of the whole in finding Psalms and hymns, suited to particular subjects or occasions (Boston : James Loring, and Lincoln & Edmands, 1823)
An arrangement of the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. (Boston : Gould and Lincoln, 1832)
An arrangement of the Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. : to which are added indexes, very much enlarged and improved, to facilitate the use of the whole in finding Psalms or hymns suited to particular subjects or occasions (Boston : James Loring, 1818)
An arrangement of the Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. : to which is added a supplement, being a selection of more than three hundred hymns from the most approved authors, on a great variety of subjects ... with indexes very much enlarged and improved, to facilitate the use of the whole in finding Psalms and hymns, suited to particular subjects or occasions (Boston : Lincoln & Edmands, 1821)
A caveat against infidelity: or, The danger of apostasy from the Christian faith:: with an answer to various queries concerning the salvation of the heathens ... (John Clark and Richard Hett ... Emanuel Matthews ... and Richard Ford, 1729)
La culture de l'esprit (1762)
La Culture de l'Esprit (1762)
La culture de l'esprit ou directions pour faciliter l'acquisition des connaissances utiles (1762)
D. Isaac Watts Anweisung zum Gebet oder Vernünftige Gedanken von der Gabe, der Gnade und dem Geiste des Gebets : nebst einem deutlichen Unterrichte, wie ein jeglicher Christ dazu gelangen könne / Aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt von Elias Caspar Reichard, öffentl. ordentlichem Professore an dem Collegio Carolino zu Braunschweig und Mitgliede der deutschen Gesellschaft zu Greifswald und mit einer Vorrede Sr. Hochw. des Herrn Abt Mosheims versehen. (Braunschweig und Hildesheim : Schröder, 1746)
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