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« Henry Burton (bap.1578-1648)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Robert Burton (1577-1640)
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Primary Sources (14 titles, 20 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The anatomy of melacholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, progostics, and several cures of it (London : W. Tegg and co., 1854)
The Anatomy of Melancholy (London, [n.d.])
The anatomy of melancholy ; What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptons, prognostics, and several cures of it (Philadelphia : J. W. Moore, 1855)
The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostickes, & seuerall cures of it in three partitions, with their severall sections, members & subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically, opened & cut up (Oxford : Henry Cripps, 1628)
The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several cures of it : in three partitions, with their several sections, members, & subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up
London : T. McLean, 1826IA 
The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several cures of it. In three partitions, with their several sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up (London : Longman, Rees, Orme, & Co. ... [et al.], 1827)
The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptons, prognostics, and several cures of it : in three partitions with their several sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medically, historically opened and cut up (Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1868)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several cures of it / Vol. I (London : Thomas Mc Lean, 1826)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several cures of it / Vol. II (London : Thomas Mc Lean, 1826)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several curses of it. In three paritions. With their several sections, members and subsections, philosophically, medically, historically, opened and cut up (London : T. McLean, 1826)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it .. (London : W. Tegg and Co., 1854)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it, in three partitions (New York : Wiley & Putnam, 1847)
The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. In three partitions. With their several sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medically, historically opened and cut up (London : Chatto & Windus, 1898)
Melancholy : as it proceeds from the disposition and habit, the passion of love, and the influence of religion
London : T. Maiden ...; for Vernor and Hood [and 9 others], 1801IA 
London : Vernor, 1801IA 

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