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John Gauden (c.1600-1662)
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Primary Sources (15 titles, 15 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Ánti Baal-Berith; or The binding of the Covenant and all Covenanters to their good behaviours, by a just vindication of Dr. Gauden's Analysis (London : Crook, 1661)
Eikōn alēthinē, The povrtraitvre of truths most sacred majesty truly suffering, though not solely : wherein the false colours are washed off, wherewith the painter-steiner had bedawbed truth, the late King and the Parliament, in his counterfeit piece entituled Eikon basilike : published to undeceive the world. (1649)
Eikon basilike : Le portrait du Roy de la Grand Bretagne, durant sa solitude et ses souffrances [attr. à John Gauden, trad. par D. Cailloué et revu par J. Porrée, auteur de l'ép. déd. à Charles II] (Edouard Raban, 1650)
Eikōn Basilikē oder Abbildung des Königes Carl I. in seinen Drangsalen und gefänglicher Verwahrung (Hemmerde, 1770)
Eikon basilike oft Konincklijck memoriael; van sijn majesteyt van Groot Britannie's naghelatene schriften, waer inne hy sijn recht christelijck gemoet ... bekent maeckt (Jan Jansz., 1649)
Eikon Basilike, oder Abbildung des Königes Carl in seinen Drangsalen und gefänglicher Verwahrung, ins Teutsche versetztet. - o.O. 1649 (1649)
Eikōn basilikē. Le portrait du roy de la Grand' Bretagne. Durant sa solitude & ses souffrances. .. (Iean Berthelin, dans la court du palais, 1649)
Eikon basilike. Le portrait du roy de la Grand' Bretagne. Fait de sa propre main durant sa solitude et ses souffrances. 3. Ed. corr (Jean Berthelin, 1649)
Eikōn basilikē. Vel imago regis Caroli. In illis suis aerumnis et solitudine. .. (ex officina Samuelis Broun, bibliopolae Anglici, 1649)
Eikōn basilikL·. Le portrait du roy de la Grand' Bretagne, durant sa solitude & ses souffrances (Edouard Raban, imprimeur & libraire de son altesse, de la ville & université, 1650)
Hieraspistes : a defence by way of apology for the ministry and ministers of the Church of England: humbly presented to the consciences of all those that excell in virtue (London : Andrew Crooke, 1653)
Hieraspistes: A Defence by Way of Apology for the Ministry and Ministers of the Church of England ([London] : Crooke, 1653)
The Love of Trvth and Peace: A Sermon Preached Before the Honovrable Hovse of Commons Assembled in Parliament, Novemb. 29, 1640 (London : T.C., 1641)
A Sermon preached in the Temple Chappel at the Funeral of the Reverend Dr. Brouring late Lord Bishop of Excester (London : Crook, 1660)
The tears, sighs, complaints, and prayers of the Church of England (London : Royston, 1659)

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