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Commentaires et annotations sur la sepmaine de la Création du Monde | |
L'Angelier, 1583 | GB |  |   |
Commentaires sur la création du monde (Rualt, 1591) | GB |  |   |
Commentaires sur la Sepmaine ou la Creation du Monde (Thomas Mallard, 1597) | GB |  |   |
The complete works of Joshuah Sylvester, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (private circulation [by T. and A. Constable], 1880) / added author(s): Joshua Sylvester | GB |  |   |
The complete works of Joshuah Sylvester: for the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, glossarial index, &c. &c., portraits, and facsimiles, &c, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (private circulation [by T. and A. Constable]) / added author(s): Joshua Sylvester | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1880) | GB |  |   |
La divina settimana | |
1601 | GB |  |   |
Appresso G. Metaieri, 1592 | GB |  |   |
Tours, 1592 | BSB |  |   |
4th ed. / 1595 | GB |  |   |
La Divina Settimana: cioè i sette giorni della creatione del monda del Signar Gvglielmo di Saluftio Signor di Bartas (Gio Battifta Gotti Senefe, 1613) | GB |  |   |
The divine weeks of Josuah Sylvester, ed. Theron Wilber Haight, trans. Josuah Sylvester / added author(s): Joshua Sylvester | |
ed. Theron Wilber Haight, trans. Josuah Sylvester (H.M. Youmans, 1908) | GB |  |   |
The divine weeks of Josuah Sylvester : mainly translated from the French of William de Saluste, Lord of the Bartas ( Waukesha, Wis. : H.M. Youmans, 1908) / added author(s): Joshua Sylvester | IA |  |   |
Domini Guillelmi Salustii Bartassii, poetarum nostri saeculi facile principis, Hebdomas. Opus gallicum a Gabriele Lermeo nobili Volca, latinitate donatum, nova et repurgata editio. ( [Genève] : Gabriel Cartier, 1596) | e-rara |  |   |
Du Bartas His Deuine Weekes and Workes, trans. Josuah Sylvester, Thomas Hudson (Humfrey Lownes, 1613) | GB |  |   |
Du Bartas his deuine weekes and workes translated: and dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Iosuah Syluester. ( London : Humfrey Lounes [and are to be sould by Arthur Iohnson at the signe of the white horse, neere the great north doore of Paules Church], 1611) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Die Erste und Andere Woche Wilhelms von Saluste Herren zu Bartas : Darinnen enthalten sampt der Welt erschaffung die vornehmesten Geschichte in der heiligen Schrifft zu finden. Von der Welt anfang an bis an die zerstörung Jerusalems und die Babylonische Gefengnüs ... / Vor Jahren Aus dem Frantzösischen in wolgemessene deutsche Reime ... durch ein Mittglied der fruchtbringenden Gesellschafft gebracht und ausgangen [Tobias Hübner] ( Cöthen : [Fürstliche Druckerei], 1640) | HAB |  |   |
Guillelmi Sallustii Bartassii Hebdomas. Opus Gallicum à Gabriele Lermeo Volca, Latinitate donatum... (Apud Michaëlem Gadoulleau, 1584) | GB |  |   |