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« Edmund Elys (c.1633-1708)
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Thomas Emlyn (1663-1741)
TraditionSocinian-UnitarianReference | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (8 titles, 9 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (1) | Theology (8)
Results 1-8
A Collection of tracts relating to the Deity, worship and satisfaction of the Lord Jesus Christ ... : to which is prefix'd a true narrative of the proceedings of the dissenting ministers of Dublin against the author .. (London : J. Darby for J. Knapton, J. Sprint, and J. Osborn)
Vol. 1 (1719)
Vol. 2 (1719) IA 
A collection of tracts, Relating to The Diety, Worship, and Satisfaction of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, &c, vol. 1 (J. Darby and T. Browne, in Bartholomew-Close., 1731)
Dr. Bennet's new theory of the Trinity, examined: or Some considerations on his Discourse of the ever-blessed Trinity in unity;: and his examination of Dr. Clarke's Scripture-doctrine of the Trinity.. (London : James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard., 1718)
Extracts from An humble inquiry into the Scripture account of Jesus Christ [microform] (Boston : S. Hall, 1790)
A full inquiry into the original authority of that text, I John v. 7. There are three that bear record in Heaven ... Containing an account of Dr. Mill's evidences from antiquity ... Humbly address'd to both houses of convocation .. (London : J. Darby, 1719)
Funeral consolations, or, A discourse from John XIV, 28 : if ye loved me ye would rejoice, because I said, I go to the Father : being the sermon preached by the author after the death of his wife, Mrs. Esther Emlyn, who died, Oct. 13, 1701, in the 30th year of her age (Boston, 1811)
The Revd. Mr. Trosse's arguments answered; relating to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the deity of the Holy Ghost. Taken from his catechism, and sermon on Luke xxii. 31. printed at Exon (J. Noon, 1719)

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