Share:  Opera (6) | Theology (14) | | 10 sermons preached by that late learned and rev. divine John Donne, doctor in divinity, once dean of the cathedral church of Saint Paul's. Chosen from the whole body of Donne's sermons by Geoffrey Keynes ( London : Soho [Eng.] The Nonesuch Press, 1923) | IA |  |   |
An anatomie of the world: Wherein, by occasion of the untimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury, the frailtie and the decay of this whole world is represented. The first anniversarie, Volumes 1-2 ( London : A. Mathewes for T. Dewe, 1621) | GB |  |   |
An Anatomy of the World: Wherein, by Occasion of the Untimely Death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury, the Frailty and the Decay of the Whole World is Represented ( London : S. Macham, 1611) | GB |  |   |
Conclave Ignati : siue eivs in nvperis inferni comitiis in thronisatio. Vbi varia de Iesuitarum indole, de nouo inferno creando, de ecclesia lunatica instituẽda, per satyram congesta sunt. Accessit et apologia pro Iesvitis. Omnia duobus angelis aduersariis, qui consistorio papali & Collegio Sorbone praesident, dedicata. ( London : J. Parker, 1611) | IA |  |   |
Conclave Ignati sive eius in nuperis inferni comitiis inthronisatio ( 1625) | GB |  |   |
Conclave Ignati: Sive Eius in Nuperis Inferni Comitiis Inthronisatio : Ubi varia De Jesuitarum Indole, De novo inferno creando, De Ecclesia Lunatica institue[n]da, per Satyram congesta sunt / [John Donne] ; Accessit Et Apologia Pro Jesuitis : Omnia Duobus Angelis Adversariis, qui Consistorio Papali, & Collegio Sorbonae praesident, dedicata (Thomas de Villiers, 1611) | HAB |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
Devotions Vpon Emergent Occasions, and Seuerall Steps in My Sicknes: Digested Into I. Meditations Upon Our Humane Condition. 2. Expostuvlations, and Debatements with God. 3. Prayers, Upon the Seuerall Occasions, to Him ( London : A.M., 1624) | GB |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
Juvenilia, or, Certaine paradoxes, and problemes ( London : E.P. for H. Seyle, 1633) | GB |  |   |
The poems of John Donne, from the text of the edition of 1633 revised by James Russell Lowell. With the various readings of the other editions of the seventeenth century, and with a preface, an introduction, and notes by Charles Eliot Norton ( Oxford : The Grolier Club) | | | IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1895) | IA |  |   |
Pseudo-martyr : wherein out of certaine propositions, this conclusion is evicted, that those which are of the Romane religion may and ought to take the oath of allegiance ( London : W. Stansby for Walter Burre, 1610) | IA |  |   |
Sermons; selected passages, with an essay by Logan Pearsall Smith ( London : Oxford Clarendon Press, 1919) | IA |  |   |