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« William Temple (1555-1627)
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John Templer (-1693)
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Primary Sources (7 titles, 7 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An Extract of a Letter Written by Mr. John Templer June 16. 1673. Containing Some Observations upon a Pleasant Way of Catching Carps (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1673)
An Extract of Mr. John Templers Letter of March 30. 1672. to Dr. Walter Needham Concerning the Structure of the Lungs (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1672)
Extracts of Three Letters, One, Concerning Some Philosophical Inquiries about Spiders, together with a Table of 33 Sorts of Spiders to be Found in England; as Also of a Kind of Viviparous Fly: The Second, about an Insect Feeding upon Henbain, and Thereby Qualifying in Its Body the Horrid Smell of That Plant, and Altering It to an Aromatical and Agreeable One: The Third, Containing Some Observations of Glow-Worms (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1671)
An Observation, Made by the Same Mr. Templer upon the Motion of the Hearts of Two Urchius, after Their Being Cut Out (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1673)
A Relation of Two Considerable Hurricans, Happened in Northampton-Shire, not above Four Miles Distance from One Another, within tho Compass of Less then Twelve Calendar-Months: Communicated by Mr. John Templer of Braybrook to a Friend of His in London (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1671)
Some Further Observations of Mr. John Templer, about the Shining of Glow-Worms (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1671)
A Way of Making Vines Grow to Advantage, all Over the Roof of a House; Communicated by Mr. John Templer (Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), 1673)

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