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« Alban Butler (1711-1773)
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Joseph Butler (1692-1752)
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Primary Sources (24 titles, 28 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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L'analogie de la religion naturelle et révélée avec l'ordre et le cours de la nature
Brunot-Labbe, 1821GB 
Paris : Brunot-Labbe, 1821BNF 
Analogy of religion (Harper & Brothers, 1860)
Analogy of religion to the constitution and course of nature: part I : of natural religion, 2nd ed. (Mat?ba?-i Muf?d-i ??m, 1874)
The Analogy of religion, natural and revealed ... (Boston : Manning and Loring, for D. West, 1793)
The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. To which are added two brief dissertations: I. Of personal identity. II. Of the nature of virtue (London : James, John., and Paul. Knapton, 1736)
The analogy or religion natural and revealed to the constitution and course of nature: To which are added two brief dissertations: 1. Of personal identity. 2. Of the nature of virtue, 5th ed. (R. Horsfield, 1765)
Bishop Butler's Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature ...: with an anaylysis, left unfinished by the late Rev. Robert Emory ... : completed and edited, with a life of Bishop Butler, ed. George Richard Crooks (Harper & Bros., 1857)
Bishop Butler's Analogy of religion: natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature (Harper & Brothers, 1868)
Bishop Butler's ethical discourses: to which are added some remains, hitherto unpublished. Prepared as a text book in moral philosophy, ed. Joseph Clarkson Passmore (C. Desilver, 1855)
Butler's three sermons on human nature and dissertation on virtue (Cambridge : Deighton, Bell, 1865)
Complete works (New York : Carter, 1869)
Fifteen sermons preached at Rolls Chapel: to which is added six sermons preached on publick occasions, 4th ed. (J. and P. Knapton, 1749)
Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel (Botham, 1726)
Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel ... : to which is added six sermons preached on publick occasions (London : Robert Horsfield ..., 1765)
Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel, to which are added Six sermons preached on public occasions, etc (London : Tegg, 1841)
Human nature, and other sermons (London : Cassell, 1887)
The whole works of Joseph Butler ... (T. Tegg, 1839)
The works of ... Joseph Butler (1844)
The works of ... Joseph Butler ... to which is prefixed, an account of the character and writings of the author (N.Y. : Carter, 1848)
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