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An Exposition Or Commentarie Upon the Catechisme of Christian Religion which is Taught in the Scholes and Churches Both of the Lowe Countries&of the Dominions of the Countie Palatine. By Ieremias Bastingius, Minister of the word of God. Translated Out of Latine Into English. ( Cambridge : John Legatt, ca. 1591) | GB |  |   |
Gründliche Erklärung deß christlichen in h. Schrift wolgegründten Catechismi | |
1596 | GB |  |   |
Neustadt a. d. Hardt, 1596 | BSB |  |   |
trans. Tobias Fabricius (Neustadt an der Haardt, 1596) | BSB | |   |
In Catechesin Religionis Christianae, Qvae In Ecclesiis et Scholis tum Palatinatvs tum Belgii traditur, Exegemata siue Commentarii: Auctore Hieremia Bastingio Dei Verbi administro. Cum Indice triplici | |
Dordrecht : Iohannes Caninius, 1588 | GB |  |   |
Heidelberg : Hieronymus Commelinus, 1590 | ULBH |  |   |
Oordeel ende Censure Der Hooch geleerder ende wijt-vermaerder Mannen Francisici Iunij, Luce Trelcatij ende Francisci Gomari, professoren der h. Theologie ende universitey tot Leyden midtsgaders D. Ieremie Bastingij ende Iohannis Wtenbogaerts over de dolinghen van Cornelis VViggersae eertijds dienaer des godlicken woorts in de ghereformeerde kercke Christi tot Hoorn ( Arnhem : Jan Janssen, 1617) / added author(s): Franciscus Junius, Lucas Trelcatius, Franciscus Gomarus [5th author: Johannes Wtenbogaert] | GB |  |   |
Verclaringe op den catechisme der Christelicker religie ... Gemaect [Bibliotheca Reformata] | |
Amsterdam : J. A. Wormser, 1893 | GB |  |   |